Some Reality Web
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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September 9th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello? Oh, this is really quite fascinating. I mean the possibilities are endless. Anyway I'm Jane Foster and I'm new here.



[No Subject]

Dick's not answering his phone..went to his place and everything's gone. So there's that.



Left in Tony's lab by a sneaky Spider-Child...

Something's different about Tony's lab on Tuesday morning... )



[No Subject]

I've noticed some empty spaces around here.

If anyone feels like stress eating, I've got some brownies and cookies here in 3-D. Not gluten-free, definitely not vegan/vegetarian, but I found a pace nearby that makes their own extracts and loaded up on orange and Madagascar vanilla.



[No Subject]

You fancy a quiet dinner a couple days before your birthday?

Christine's helping regulate my sleep and it's putting me on edge around big crowds, or we'd totally get a big team party together, but this way you can probably have both.




I think we lost our roommate. Does this mean we both get two bedrooms each?



[No Subject]

Fun Fact!

Starting tomorrow and running all the way through until the 19th, the dates are palindrome! This means that they sequence of numbers that form the date (well, at least, in the standard American format, anyway) reads the same forwards and backwards.

September 10, 2019
9.10.19 ---> 9. 10. 19

Which I think is funny, since according to Peter's fun holiday schedule, I think tomorrow is also Math Story day?

That is all.



Michael Glass | around 7pm

Hey, Entity, you couldn't have waited until sunset?

Goodland looks a lot like the pictures I've seen of New York City. I guess I'm definitely not in Morganville anyway.

Um, hi, yeah, this is weird.

Eve? Claire? Sh Shane? You guys here, too?



[No Subject]

Uh, has anyone seen Adrian Ivashkov?

» uh, hey, did Carol call in sick or something?
» cause it doesn't actually look like she's been in all day

[OOC: just doing this so I'm not spamming the comm; Julia, please just hit me if Tony would have noticed Carol being gone and told Rose before tomorrow afternoon.]



[No Subject]


I have many emotions. I do not know how to deal with them. I do not know how to forget the faces of the dead.



[No Subject]

I really didn't think things could get worse for me.

And yet. Here we are.

Is Alice Cooper here? Or Jughead Jones?



[No Subject]

Filtered to [info]stillhot


The girl is here. Your daughter. The normal one.

The boy seems to think it's acceptable to abscond with her.

edited in later filtered to [info]weirdowriter

Why is Betty speaking that way to her pregnant mother?



[No Subject]

When people disappear, where do they go? Do they go back home?

What if there isn’t anything for them back home?

...should I be worried?



[No Subject]


Bring pillows.