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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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August 6th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hannah Abbott's disappeared. Not like missing, like no longer exists in this plane of reality.



[No Subject]

I don't

No danishes? Fruit? Hash browns? I'm not even hungry but Poor effort.



[No Subject]

I know I wasn't here to experience it, but you'll never be able to convince me the leprechauns were worse than that.

[ Team Beacon Hills ]

I'm going to sleep. Try not to kill anyone.



[No Subject]

I feel largely useless.



[No Subject]

[Dick broke into Cisco's lab this morning and left a pint each of Baskin Robbins New York Cheesecake, Cookies 'n' Cream, Miami Vice Sorbet, and Chocolate Fudge somewhere that they wouldn't melt before he found them. And then snuck out again. Like a pro. Boom.]



[No Subject]

I miss my shop. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my work at Argosy. But, I miss my shop. I had it for 119 years. And, I only ever opened when I wanted to open. I don't understand these 10-6 opening hours. But, at least we close at weekends.



[No Subject]

[her roommates wake up to a sparkling clean apartment; linens and any laundry she could find washed and folded; dishes washed by hand and drying on towels; basically pick an OCD/PTSD non-coping mechanism and she did it...including not sleeping]

So before all of that I was talking to Babs about working as a Private Investigator. Anyone have a lead on where I can apply? Agencies. Police stations. Hell, I have the FBI on my resume.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to the Avengers (Thor's Avengers), Darcy and Laura]

I learned about myself in another timeline. Not only am I a failure there, I'm also a dishonorable coward--- leaving children to fight a war that we could not while I sit on a throne I am unworthy of and ignoring my vow to protect Midgard as one of the Nine Realms. Evidently abandoning my daughter to do so.

It is a good thing that you raise her, Stark, because I would not want her to end up like me.

Why do Midgard bars open so late?



[No Subject]

[Tony Stark, Thor, Steve Rogers, James Rogers]
Don't go back, please.



[No Subject]

Hallelujers. I can finally go to an NA meeting without getting attacked. [...] You know what I mean.



» clint | 3

Fuck that, fuck this, fuck it.

I don’t exactly know where I am, hazards of a fake fucking city. I’m also not sure about coming back yet. But I didn’t die or vanish, jsyk.

[ooc warning: spiraly/dark thoughts in comments]



[No Subject]

Thank you to everyone who helped out in the clinic these last few days. I can't remember everyone by name, I was running on very little sleep and a lot of coffee. It was much appreciated though. Now I am going to pass out for at least the next twenty four hours.



[No Subject]


Hey, you okay?


Did you and Max get through that okay?


Buy one get one at the Wild Stallion. Everyone deserves a break after that crap.



[No Subject]

I'm going to go be a coyote in the woods for a day or two.

If you need me...don't.



[No Subject]

It’s probably a stupid question but is everyone alright? because I am definitely not

So, I might’ve liberated some of your scotch, sorry. it was a necessary theft

I think I’ve figured out something that could work with your ghost problem. If you want I can swing by in a day or so? It would give me something to focus on besides devil hallucinations