Some Reality Web
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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February 20th, 2020



Network: Tony Stark

[Filter: Adult family & friends*]

How do you stop acting like a kid is your kid?

[21+ & you are if you want to be]



Network: Lizzie McGuire

[Filter: Liz]

Are you keeping your little friend?



[No Subject]

I had an idea and it might actually be a dumb idea but well, Tony's the more creative mind and I just...get ideas sometimes.

I know a lot of people here aren't from Earth or the 21st century or...a dimension like this one? I can't think of better phrasing for that. ANYWAY. Maybe it's dorky but then, this is me, but I kind of enjoyed introducing people to one of my favorite movies from when I was younger and I think it might be fun to do it more. Would anyone be up for like...weekly movie night? One or two movies each night, snacks or maybe even real food I don't know, general hanging out with other Entity-napped people? Get people not from around here caught up on their pop culture and stuff?

Or is this the dumbest idea I've had since I told Nat "yeah sure, I'll go hang out with Fury's Band of Merry Miscreants"? (That is not a direct quote and if Natasha tells you otherwise, she's lying)



fleur weasley - 001

ooc: voice post

What is zis?

Greetings, I em elated to offer you a spot een beautiful Goodland! Please see ze enclosed map. Your new 'ome ees number six-C in Ostrich's Villa. Be sure to say 'ello to our adorable feathered friends on your way een. Your first month's rent two 'undred dollars is on me, but don't forget to check ze job ads before too long. Oh, and eef you need me? Post to Goodland and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 'appy living! Sincerely, Your Jubilant Entity

Foot note: Please note I will only respond een extreme circumstances.

Absolutely not. sound of crumpling paper



[No Subject]

You know these feelings? I don't know what to do with them. Like, we all just got fucked over by the Entity twice in a row but are we now pretending it didn't happen, or am I just behind again, or does this just prove my 'distrustful nature'?

Nothing feels real today and it's pissing me off.

So. May. Here.

How are you?




Text to Peter

[Tony sends the following text messages from work, but before Peter gets to school.]

>>I know you missed these...
>>Dad Joke of the Day...
>>Why don't eggs tell jokes?
>>Give up, kid?
>>They'd crack each other up!
>>Yep, you're stuck with me.