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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'active:+bruce+banner'

May. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]


We've got what, a month?

What have you got in mind? You know it has to be big this year. He wouldn't have it any other way.


I imagine I don't have to tell you this, but don't make plans for the end of the month.

Apr. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]


Cut for Space )

my aliens finger is lighting up. is this normal? is he sick?

Apr. 13th, 2021



Network: Lyra Banner


Apr. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm not exactly one for hiking most days, but these views?
Cut for space! )

Totally worth it.

All my running away traveling and I've never actually made it here so, thanks Entity. It doesn't make up for two straight weeks of monsters, but it's not half bad.

Apr. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

If we're not supposed to take candy from strangers... why is the man in the bunny outfit giving us chocolate?



[No Subject]

Though I still don't quite understand the holidays here, these little chocolate bunnies are delicious.

All of the sweets here are really good. Though I don't think I care for the marshmallow birds that much. They're almost too sweet.

[Filtered to Usagi]

How are you settling in? I know that being pulled to Goodland and then to somewhere else not even a couple of days after arriving can be really jarring. Do you need anything?

Apr. 2nd, 2021



netpost; scott lang

Hi, I'm Scott.

FYI, they do not like you appearing in the middle of the bridge. Something about security and only crew being allowed up there. It was pretty cool though.

Couple of questions:
  • Is this a fever dream/am I dead?
  • Is the food and drink free on this boat?
  • Am I still inside the Quantum Realm?
  • Do they have quoits?
  • And shuffleboard?
  • Mar. 29th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    [Bruce, Tony, Thor, Bucky, Steve, Clint, Natasha]
    Billy is here. From my our world. He's only three days? ten, but he's here. help?



    [No Subject]

    What are things that are “girl things” and what are things that are “boy things”? I can do a lot of the same things that Torunn can do, and Tony never made us only do boy things or girl things.

    [Tony, James, Torunn, Bruce]
    There was a girl in class and she had really pretty nail polish. I said that I liked that color and that maybe I would paint my nails like that because it looked cool and I really like the color red and she said that I cant.

    So of course I was going to anyway so I didn’t eat lunch so I could take my lunch money to the store on the way home and buy nail polish, but the lady who takes the money said it was only for girls.

    [Claudia, Stacey, Teddy]
    You guys would still be my friends even if I painted my nails blue, right?

    Mar. 28th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    Things have been so crazy I'd almost forgotten about Easter.

    I may not be super religious but I love a chocolate bunny as much as the next guy. And the truffle eggs. But not peeps, I have standards here.

    [Lyra & Pym]
    Do you two want to decorate eggs? We can buy the kits or we can make our own designs. And if you want to ask some friends over to do them, too, we can, but I'll leave that up to you guys.

    Mar. 17th, 2021




    Everyone wants to be green like me today!

    Mar. 14th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    Um, hi. My name is James Rogers. Torunn kind of filled me in on some stuff and it was suggested I should come here to say hello or something.

    Quick question: do the mirrors here normally make you, uh, see things?

    Follow up question: what the actual fu hell????

    [OOC: This post is after he's been to the apartment for a bit, so "roomies" can feel free to assume they're seen him/met in person if you want.]

    Mar. 13th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    [Close Avenger-y Friends]*

    I know we all want to reach out and help Wanda, but for the time being, I'd suggest giving her her space. She told me a bit about what she's just been through and honestly, it's pretty horrific. Give her a few days at least, but definitely show your support. I kind of think she needs us now more than ever but she'll be afraid to accept that.

    [Tony, Thor]Cut for being mildly WandaVision spoilery )

    *ooc: use your best judgment, I honestly can't think of who all he would tell, poke Crystal or me if you're unsure

    Mar. 11th, 2021



    Network: Cassie Lang

    Attention, AVENGERS. Is my dad an avenger OR avenger adjacent?

    Mar. 8th, 2021



    Network: Lyra Banner

    My family is sad because James is gone. I'm sad he is gone. I will make everybody pictures! What kind do you want?

    Mar. 4th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    On the off-chance I end up with this thing following me for the rest of my life, what do you actually feed an ostrich?

    Mar. 1st, 2021



    [No Subject]

    I know I'm probably supposed to play it cool and pretend this is old hat for me by now but


    Hey kids, want to go see if we can figure out what constellations are nearby? Or maybe we're not even in our galaxy, that would be even better. There could be stuff out here we haven't even discovered yet on Earth!



    Posted in the early hours

    Hi everyone! I couldn’t sleep and it sorta was a good thing because we’re in space!

    I’m exploring the space station we’re aboard presently and it seems to be similar to DS9. There are ships attached to the docking pylons, the Waverider is one of them, so I’m assuming they’re all ours from Goodland. The oxygen levels are good as is the artificial gravity, so moving around doesn’t feel all that different to being on earth.

    Bad news is there aren’t an awful lot of bathroom facilities. I counted five.



    Network: Tony Stark

    This is some load of bullshit.



    Feb. 22nd, 2021



    [No Subject]

    Uh, hello all. Just a quick note to say if you see a ship like this in the sky, it isn't another Goodland invasion. It's just the Waverider, my team's ship from home. Gideon wanted to go for a spin so we're just going to fly around and see how far we can stray from the city. Which probably won't be far, unless the Entity allows it.