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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+percy+weasley'

Dec. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]





[No Subject]

Has anyone seen any magical creatures wandering about? I know this is New Orleans, but surely there has to be something. I have been thinking I would like a pet. I kept hoping the elves would bring me a moon calf or something, but instead I got a new pair of shoes. Which are lovely by the way! But it is a little bit lonely here and I would love the company. Not a dragon mind you. Dragons don’t make good pets and my roommates surely would not appreciate it. I don’t mind camping, but sleeping out in the park every night would be a bit cold.

Dec. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

I think I have found my new addiction. Oi, Forge, you need to watch Ghost Adventures with me.

It would be brill to have a ghost hunting show and abuse my magic to make people think shite is actually happening. ...I suddenly understand why we aren't to mess with muggles.

I had fun the other night.

[Bill, Percy, Fred]
Help me. I asked someone out and I didn't think they would say yes. Now I actually have to plan a bloody date.

Dec. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

So bored I could claw my eyes out, gonna go explore New Orleans I guess.

[St. John, Rogue, Molly, Klara]

Apparently, when I'm bored I bake? I made a practice batch of Sufganiyot. They are in the kitchen.

Dec. 11th, 2019



[No Subject]

I found cookie cutters and frosting kits for zombie gingerbread cookies. Not festive, but I need them in my life. I also may have bought some voodoo doll gingerbread cookie kits as well.

Merlin, I'm turning into me mum. Baking all the sodding time. Next I'll be making jumpers.

So is anyone going to talk about Christmas Eve and Christmas?

Want to go on ghost tour with me? I want to see how fake it is. And it sounds fun.

Hey, Forge.

I used to write you messages, but you weren't here to answer them and now you are and I don't know what to say- How are you adjusting?

Dec. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

People can just disappear from here too? oh god what if I



[No Subject]

I don't think Zym likes all this changing. Or maybe he just misses Ezran, he must be lonely without anyone who can understand him. Is there anything in this new human town a baby dragon might like?

Dec. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Just as I was beginning to get accustomed to things in Goodland. Well, I've always been curious about the magical history of New Orleans and it would appear that there are a few museums here. If anyone would like to join me, I'll be venturing out this afternoon.

Dec. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Just when I thought things were calming down and going back to normal... I'm abducted by some kind of weird, happy entity?? This isn't okay! Is it? Is everyone here actually okay? I mean, I've been through all kinds of shenanigans, but this is... something else entirely!!

Ummm, hi, I guess, by the way. Is anyone I know here? Alex, J'onn, Lena, Brainy, James... Bueller? Anybody??? Please say somebody is.



fred weasley -- 001

Best. Prank. Ever.

Happy birthday to us! Two questions for you, Georgie: You couldn't find a better name than 'Jublient Entity'? How the hell did you pull this one off, you one-eared genius?

Where's this flat 1-I? Note says it's mine, and I suspect that's where the presies are.



[No Subject]

May I ask who, exactly, is in charge here?

This is breaking nearly every article of the Statute of Secrecy, I’ll have you know. Not to mention that popping people in and out without permission is in very poor taste.