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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+george+weasley'

Mar. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]



Draco requests a party to celebrate his freedom from the kid's floor. You are all invited.

Oh, right, Freddie and I are taking him in.



Filtered to Draco Malfoy & Fred Weasley

Oi, little bit, you want off that kid's floor?

[message to entity]
Freddie and I are taking Draco Malfoy in. Thanks.

He deserves to be raised by us.

Mar. 28th, 2020




...Gin got sent home.



[No Subject]

I think the Weasleys are ace. Dad Father would be mad.

Mar. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Sun burn. Ow.

I need to ride all the rollercoasters at least ten more times each.

Mar. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Fleur, Louis, Dominique, George, Fred, Gin, Lily, Hermione, Hugo, Luna, Neville, Kara, Draco: I got us all matching shirts with our initials on them.

Also there are these strange caps with ears. I got one of those for each of us, too.

Mar. 9th, 2020



Network: Hugo Weasley

Add Teddy to the vanished.

Mar. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Locked )


Might go explore the forest because why not?

Mar. 4th, 2020



Ray Palmer; March 4

Hello Goodland! 👋

With all the new arrivals, I thought it was high time I came back online. My name’s Ray and I work at Stark Industries in their R&D division. My specialist field is Nanotechnology. But I’m also a Physicist, Chemist and Engineer. If any of you school aged residents need a hand with science homework I can gladly offer mine. Oh, and if you see a person in an exosuit flying around -which isn’t as chunky as the Iron Family suits- that’s me. I can also turn giant or tiny.

Since Cisco has gone home, I was wondering if the D&D group was still running? If not and you want to continue, I can DM for you guys?

[Hero types who used to be on Cisco’s comms]
I think I have a handle on Cisco’s system, and while I’m happy to QB on any upcoming missions/events. ATOM can also be useful in the field, the suit can coordinate and run comms through it but it’ll be the first real test of it, the next time something crops up. Are you happy for me to go ahead with this? Did you find the previous system useful?

Mar. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

The sun, it burns us.

I think I've been in my workshop long enough. Starting to think my fingers were turning green and glittery- oh, wait, bullocks. They are.

Maybe I'll start a new look?

Feb. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

I found the journal he bought me for Valentine's Day- Today is a 'I am going into work late day.' Maybe, if I decided to actually move from this couch.


I told Cisco I just needed a couple of days to sort shite out so we could actually talk about what he did and now-
He got sent home and


I didn't notice because Cisco supposedly slept elsewhere last night. So cheers to waking up to finding out your boyfriend got sent home while you were in the middle of trying to figure out how to sodding repair the relationship! I am losing everyone one by one



Network: Tony Stark

Down another family member. Cisco is gone.

[Family & Friends]

I'll be in the lab for a bit.



[No Subject]

What books would you recommend to learn more about this place?

Harry Potter people
Also I should probably have asked awhile ago but is there a place we can fly and get brooms for that matter?



[No Subject]

BARRY, we're going racing.

GEORGE, FRED & BILL, I'm bringing pizzas over later.

CAROL, can we spar in the sky after my race with Barry?

ELENA, shopping trip tomorrow??

Feb. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Societal pressure for everyone to act and think a certain way just because of the date? Bad.

Genuine appreciation or enjoyment found in those particular rituals by an individual? Not bad.



[No Subject]

If you need a last minute gift then come to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Unlike most places we actually have a sale going on.

14% off!

I'll be here until at least 6pm.

Nothing says romance like a pygmy puff!

Thanks for being there for me.



[No Subject]

In France, Valentine’s Day is not really a big deal you might be surprised to know. It is only for couples and typically married or serious ones at that. No friendly gift giving to friends or classmates, they might get the wrong idea! Most of you I am sure know of the Duke of Orléans who sent the first Valentine’s letter, so how about I tell you about what the French call the Lottery of Love. It was once a tradition for all singles to be matched up with the singles in the house closest to them. However, men that did not care for their match often left the woman to seek others. The scorned women would then build huge fires in the street to yell and curse the man who abandoned them. Things eventually got so out of hand the French government had to outlaw the tradition.

Feb. 13th, 2020



Texts to Kara

>> hey
>> can I get some advice?
>> it's about Cisco and I know you are friends.
>> I need to know how to fix what I just broke



[No Subject]

maybe I'll finally open that scotch I got for Christmas.. not sure which is the good entity or the bad anymore. So there's that happy thought.



[No Subject]

Just in time for a holiday.

Bloody Hell.

Any of you feel like screaming at the sky?