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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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November 24th, 2020



Filter: Charles Brandon

Would you like to experience yet another of this realm's customs with me tomorrow?



Network: Hugo Weasley

I don't do this Thanksgiving thing at home, but I am showing up somewhere for food. Who is hosting me?



Network: Betty Ross


I'm sorry about your friend.



[No Subject]

The shops are ridiculous. I should probably make sure I've got everything I'll need for the next week or so.



004 | Violet Parr

It's really hard not to feel homesick, Thanksgiving is okay, not really my idea of a holiday, but it'll be weird to celebrate Christmas without my family.

Filtered to Tony Stark
Hi! I know we don't really know each other, but I wanted to ask you about your company. I'm no where near the genius level like you and your friends, but I do have an interest in Engineering and Physics. I was wondering if there was an internship program or position available so I can learn more. School is great and all, but I like being in an hands-on environment.



[No Subject]

The only holiday people on the Ark ever celebrated was Unity Day, and it's one I'd be alright never hearing about again.

Do all holidays here involve food? Cause that's a good start.

[Bellamy Blake]

Sorry about Raven and Murphy.



[No Subject]

My apologies to his friends, but it seems Mr. Harrington has been taken by the Entity as well.

This does mean I am currently the only guardian on the children's floor so if you all would be so kind as to be on your best behaviour, it would certainly be appreciated. That being said, I am absolutely still here if you all need anything.



[No Subject]

I dont know what thanksgiving is! I guess you give thanks? Cause that is what the words mean so that makes lots of sense but why? You should be thanksful for good things all the time not just one day.

Whats everyone thanksful for?



[No Subject]

What is this feast that is being celebrated this week? I am not familiar with Thanksgiving, I believe it's called.