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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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December 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

This is the best thing this place has ever done!!! Don't ruin it, Entity



[No Subject]

Just as I was beginning to get accustomed to things in Goodland. Well, I've always been curious about the magical history of New Orleans and it would appear that there are a few museums here. If anyone would like to join me, I'll be venturing out this afternoon.



[No Subject]

This is amazing! I can't wait to explore.


Another place to check off our travel list!

[No Subject]

I'm so confused but also not mad about this change in location. Who wants to see what the clubs in NOLA are like with me tonight?



[No Subject]

This isn't a location I'm familiar with.



Text to James Rogers

>> Do you want to go and explore?



[No Subject]

New Orleans used to be on my list of places I meant to visit "someday". You know, that magical time sometime in the future when things were relatively calm and I didn't have anything to catch up on like work or family or, oh, sleep. Then it got destroyed so that obviously never happened. And yet here we are.



[No Subject]

They say this place is called New Orleans... I have to say I have never heard of it. What kind of place is this? I have to say I am intrigued. Christmas is not something we celebrated back at home.



[No Subject]

NEW ORLEANS! Quelle surprise fantastique! I have not been since I was a kid. Who wants to go see La Luna Fête next week? The elves brought me some of my school books last week, so I am feeling more into the Christmas spirit.



Voice to text

I'm so confused. Where am I now?



[No Subject]

I don't begin to understand the traditions surrounding Christmas, but the idea of being kind to other people at this time of year and gift-giving is lovely. I can also appreciate the decorations and lights, which give me a warm feeling inside.

I think we should put up a tree in our apartment. As you were so taken with the pumpkins I take it you're on board with this?

We should do something in New Orleans. What do you think?

How are you settling in? Are you handling the change of scenery?