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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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November 26th, 2019



Flash fam plus extended and friends

Thanksgiving this week, anyone up for things? Friendsgiving casual?



[No Subject]

Muggle tele can be...something.

I need a break from people and getting the store perfect. Want to go do something? I don't know what.

Just something.

filtered extremely private. )



[No Subject]

School is on break for Thanksgiving and... baking is not quite chemistry. Something had a horrible chemical reaction in the oven and I followed the recipe exactly.

Maybe I didn't factor in humidity or something? My cookies...are so flat and all melted together.



[No Subject]

I'm sure this is a very nice place, but I don't want to leave Fleur with the baby for too long. So if someone could let me know how to get back home, I'd appreciate it.

[ Siblings ]

Which one of you orchestrated this? It's well done, I'll give you that—some kind of custom anti-disapparation jinx? But send me home now.



26 November | Hannah Abbott

Merlin, we've had quite a large number of people coming in lately, haven't we? I've been hoping to see Susan or Ernie

For those of you that don't know me or those from home that haven't had a chance to speak yet, I'm Hannah Abbott. I'm a Healer and one of the medical personals at the clinic, which is located on the first floor of Ostrich's Villa. It'd be helpful to mention again that if you haven't received a flu shot or have taken one of our flu prevention potions, please do so! We're in tight quarters and viruses can spread quickly!

Filtered to Edmund Pevensie, Faith Lehane & Rose Hathaway
It's so strange not to have you here, Rose! I'm sure Edmund and Faith don't mind me saying that you and Lissa are welcome here, anytime!

Filtered to the Entity
Hello! It's been a while, I aplogise for not checking in sooner! I hope you're doing well, you seem to be quite busy lately! I was wondering, with the holidays approaching I'm finding myself a little homesick, I don't need anything perse, but if you could let me know how my father and friends are doing? Christmas time was always special for our little Hufflepuff gang and it feels strange that I may be celebrating it without them, and my father. Just to know that they're okay, that's all I ask. Thank you.



[No Subject]

Wait- do I seriously have to go to school here?

I think I'd rather be back in my time.

Look, I'm sorry for being a dick yesterday. If you want to know more about what I was talking about with Ric I will tell you.



lily luna -- 001

I know I'm a little sleep deprived, and more than a little overwhelmed by my we things that are going on. But I'm pretty sure I would've noticed my parents putting an entire turtle pond in our sitting room.

The letter didn't tell me much, aside from the fact that I live in 6D, and I'm expected to pay rent in American money--I don't even have my Galleons my money with me. So help a girl out? I don't really wanna talk to a faceless "entity" that calls itself "Jublient!" Though I guess I'm talking to faceless entities here? But...

Anyway. I'm wet. I don't have my wand, because who carries their wand to the loo?! know exactly where I am, and I could really use some clarity, please and thanks.



Max, Michael, Alex

So I'm a bit behind on bringing this up but Thanksgiving. I'll cook, you boys are on clean up. Deal? No, you can't get out of this Michael. Thanksgiving is about family and that's what we are.



[No Subject]

> Hungry?

> Get your ass back here or at least tell me where you're gonna be.



Network: Hugo Weasley

[FILTER: Mary & Thalia]

More of my family shows every day. Should I tell them about me? Shouldn't they experience their futures for themselves? But I can't keep---



[No Subject]

...why the feck is bubblegum scented shampoo a thing?

[filtered to friends]
Fair warning, aye? I am now the guardian of Bubbles and Buttercup. I dinnae know wut I am doing. Apologies in advance for any irrational behavior I will most likely exhibit.




[No Subject]

Oh my gods this is so much better. Thanks for the translation spell, Hugo.

Hi everyone! I can finally read what you're all writing now. What's up?

[Demigods + Hugo]
Thanksgiving is happening, starting at 4 at Apartment 5C. If anyone has a Cornucopia of Plenty, please by the gods bring it, or else we're having fried chicken.



Team Beacon Hills!

Are we doing a Thanksgiving thing oooooooor is no one feeling it this year?



[No Subject]

I'd like to thank everyone for the warm welcome! I met a lot of you at the wedding on Saturday but if we haven't met yet, I'm Lissa Dragomir, and I'm living with Rose Hathawawy, my best friend from home.

I know it's too late to do anything this semester but I was in graduate school at Lehigh University and I would love to resume my studies, either at NYU or Columbia after the new year. I was majoring in international diplocmacy and government. If anybody knows who I need to contact, I would appreciate it.



[No Subject]

[Texts to Hope Mikaelson]
›› So is half your world here or what?
›› How are you doing?
›› Give me the run down on who's who.



[No Subject]

I'm curious. How do others celebrate the holidays? They don't have to specifically be earth holidays or the ones that traditionally come around this time of year. Any holiday is included in this. And if you celebrate a holiday from a world other than earth (or a different holiday but you're primarily earth based), what is it, and how do you celebrate it?

Filtered to Hargreeveses )

Vanya Hargreeves )



[No Subject]

Just as a reminder and for those who are new arrivals, Ostrich's Villa's Thanksgiving meal will be at 3pm Thursday in the large conference room. I'll begin baking tomorrow morning and would welcome any assistance between tomorrow and Thursday.