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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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November 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

Fair dues lads, that wedding was class.

I'm going to get McDonalds. Just seems like the day for it.

Also, thank you oh merciful god of donuts and hot chocolate.



Ned Leeds .001.



Has anyone seen Pet Spider-Man? Yeah, this definitely seems like the sort of thing that Spider-man would be involved in and uh… he could really sort of help out right about now that would be great.

Is… is this…. Am I dead?

Is god giving me an apartment in New York?



[No Subject]


Worst Other Side ever. Bonnie? Please don't be here.

This letter can't be real. What the fuck is going on- Which way to the hospital? Or some orange juice.



mid-afternoon | November 25th

Just when you think your life is something resembling normal or as normal as it gets when you live in Mystic Falls. I guess this is what we get for moving back there.

Damon, please tell me you’ve been caught up in this insanity, too. I don’t this I can do this without



[No Subject]

Okay. WHAT?



[No Subject]


Has AnYone seen Kara or Luther?

I must have fallen asleep at the church, but it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes because my clock watch still says its the same time.

I d0n't really know where I am, but I know that they wouldn't want me to be here alone. I have even pet a 0strich. But.... I would really like to find my fr family.



[No Subject]

Should I try Thanksgiving Gravy soda or nay?

Oi, are ye two checkin in with your Goodland guardians at all?

Also, do ye want to go to the diner with me after I get out of work? I'll buy ye both waffles with whip cream.



Filtered to the Entity

Feck me.

Oi, I dinnae ask a lot, but there are two wee sproglets that aren't like most sproglets. There are too many people where they are supposed ta stay.

...and I guess I feel bad. I want to be their guardian and they said they'd like that.

So, aye, wut do I need to bargain to be the one in charge of Buttercup and Bubbles?



[No Subject]

Well, this is quite the surprise. I did not anticipate being back in Manhattan any time soon. It does not look as I remember it, so curious!

What is the best use of this network, reaching out to those you may know personally? It would be nice to see a familiar face... Ah, I should introduce myself first. My name is Diana. I hope the day is kind to you all. If it is not, perhaps I could find a way to improve it for you! I have many skills.



[No Subject]

I can't breathe. I can't think. Fuck you, school.

Punish me later.



Text to Josie.

~ So , I talked to Uncle Damon. About the merge and about crazy murder  Uncle.
~ He was pretty open about what he knew and he's not gonna tell Dad I asked.



Filtered to the Entity

So this is a weird request..

Maybe not even possible given the complexities of this place, but any chance I can have access to or my satellites?



[No Subject]

Oi, sproglets. Looks like we have new digs.
Try to keep the apartment free of wee animals at least a week, aye?

...sooooo ye are gonna laugh. I may have sort of become a guardian to some wee kids here. As they have informed me they are old enough ta take care of themselves. Bubbles and Buttercup, they weren't happy on the kid's floor and the fact people kept treating em like wee babes.



isaac lahey [01]

I don't get it. Is this like...

Is this like an afterlife? Did the electricity...

Does that mean Erica and Boyd are I thought it'd be less... normal.