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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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June 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Audrey left her laptop on Klaus' bed this morning, open to the following...]Read more... )



[No Subject]

Well, hello 'Goodland.'

Can't say I'm thrilled to be here, but it doesn't look like I have much of a choice, does it?

Oh, and 'Jubilant Entity'? I just wanted to thank you for dropping us off with no clothes or money so that I have to be in debt to Michael-freaking-Guerin for more than ten minutes.



voice to text :: jim kirk

[OOC Note: Jim's attempts to use his Starfleet communicator result in an unintentional public voice-to-text post to the web. Enjoy.]

This is Captain James T Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. Is anybody out there?

How damn much did I have to drink, anyway?

At least this damn entity left me some clean clothes.



[No Subject]

So it's offical. Florist. It's weird having an actual job but the plants are cooperating nicely now.


Order's done. Sorry for the delay but they're up to my standard now. I can pop them round to your apartment if you want or you can collect them here?


I have a good brandy and an evening off.


How'd the Christmas thingy go?



[No Subject]

Okay, who actually genuinely refers to themselves as 'Jubilent'

But sure, stuck somewhere. We didn't have a crazy meta hating psycho to get back to or anything.

For now I plan to spend the money we did get on booze. Anywhere good?

Oh, Call me Frost I guess.

[No Subject]

Goodland. Right. Looks a bit like NYC.

I know I've been hitting the bottle a little too hard since Harold tried to kill me, but I'm sure I haven't blacked out and traveled to parts unknown.

So what, really, is going on here?



[No Subject]

My dad's here!

[Filtered to Natasha]
Hey. I just wanted to say thanks. For everything. I don't know if you've been notified or whatever, but I'm moving up to the eighth floor with my dad. And my girlfriend's mom. Betty isn't here though, which really sucks, but my dad's here, so. I mean, that's pretty cool.

[Filtered to Freddy and Nico]
I'm moving up to the eighth floor with my dad. I'll still be around, though. I'm not leaving or anything. I just wanted you to know, cause I'm moving my stuff out tonight.



» brooke | 1

Okay, as far as pranks go, this is impressive, but whatever reality tv show crap this is, I'm not in the mood.

Someone get me the limo out of here because I'm not up for The Reel World Goodland edition. Whatever that even means.