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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'active:+rose+tyler'

Aug. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay, so how mad would people be if I magic up a small snowstorm? In a limited fashion aka my apartment or a small spot on the park. I am not built for this heat.

How do some people enjoy this heat? I feel like I am dying.

Aug. 10th, 2021



Network: Hugo Weasley

Well, looks like I am alone in the apartment now.



Network: Tony Stark

Happy birthday, Pete! Everyone show him you love him.

Aug. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Listen. I have a need.

A need to play an exceptionally brutal game of Monopoly.

Or Uno.

I say brutal because you're going to leave with sore butts when I'm done kicking them.

I'm leaving clues to where this is going to happen. Like a quest, but way cooler because it's from me.

Matthew is my co-conspirator but he just doesn't know it yet.

...Well, I mean, now he does, but you get it.

Jul. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Fourth of July is like my favorite holiday.

Its like the only time of year people don't treat me like I'm terrifying.

Jun. 28th, 2021



Network: Ted Poole

I think I have a roommate repellent thing going on.

Jun. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

I havenā€™t been to Universal in years. A lot has changed. Or it might just be different in this reality.

I miss the Duelling Dragons coaster. I always liked the Ice dragon best. Iā€™m glad they still have the ET ride though. I love the forest as you queue, nice and cool in there! Really reminds me of when I was a kid.

Jun. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

So assume some English girl you know has been joking about throwing a huge Fourth of July bash for months now and now that the idea is in her head, she's pretty dead set on rolling with it.

What are the must haves? Obviously a cookout is necessary. And cake. A birthday cake, even, can't imagine why. And fireworks, I'm sure I can make that happen if the city itself doesn't beat me to it. (This is, of course, assuming we're back in Goodland proper by then but I imagine we will be).

Any other requests? If we run a sprinkler in the outside area, will the ostriches attempt a murder?

[Filtered to Friends of Steve Rogers...but not Steve, that would be stupid)]
And bring presents! Obviously.

Jun. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

My face is on key-chains and pins. They have replicas of my wand.

...the bloody hell muggles want this stuff for?

Jun. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

I know plenty of people probably want to go and check out the latest change, but remember to be cautious. I've seen enough black and white television shows and movies to know that not everything is safe.

And I've seen enough shows and clips of current movies to know that amusement parks in that state never lead to anything good.

May. 23rd, 2021



Network: Claudia Kishi

Everyone has colors around them and it is beautiful! I am drawing everyone as fast as I can!

May. 18th, 2021



NETWORK: Kate Bishop

Lucky was having a great time with some of the animals. I know he's already missing them even if he couldn't actually talk back. If you ask me, though, I'm pretty sure they were all chatting away just fine.

I may have been mildly jealous.

Does anyone want some late-night pizza? Burritos? Grilled cheese? This might be my way of asking someone to either a) get take-out with me or b) volunteer to cook said items so the entire place doesn't burn to the ground.

Mac and cheese would be good, too.

May. 17th, 2021



Network: Cassie Lang

Hopefully Goodland stays Goodland for a bit!

[Billy Batson]

Is this your first time finally seeing ACTUAL Goodland?

May. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Filtered AGAINST the Pevensies]

Just a reminder that Turkish Delight is not actually all that delicious and is most definitely not worth selling your family for.

There was more to the story but to be honest, I was a terrible student so what do I know? Just don't do it, it's kinda gross.

On the plus side, it looks like we're here post-Witch and that's good because I'm not great with a sword and I'm not the best at archery either and I don't feel comfortable shooting talking animals either.

May. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm throwing a bonfire on the beach tonight. Laura would have wanted one and I'm definitely not going to turn down the company if anyone wants to come out.



Network: Tony Stark

Sam and Laura are gone. No, I am not okay. I think I'll take a rain check on Cancun.



Network: Hugo Weasley

[FILTER: Laura Kinney's family & friends]

Laura seems to be gone again.

Apr. 27th, 2021



Network: Lizzie McGuire


I have your present. We party tonight.

Apr. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]


Popping back and forth between demensions is giving me whiplash. I have a headache.

Hueyyy, lets order pasta.


Apr. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Normally this would be a bit too retro vintage for me but I am obsessed with this dress.

I don't know where to wear it though. Not a club.

I think Rey's gone. The Entity better not be going back to never letting me keep a roommate.