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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'active:+darcy+lewis'

Aug. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Best thing about New Mexico: There was delicious, and I mean genuinely top tier, Mexican food literally everywhere. Street vendors, little shops (my favorite was called The Garage. It was literally in someone's garage), food trucks, dudes pushing carts. If you can think of a way to sell food, there was someone there hustling.

Worst thing about New Mexico: It was New Mexico.

Favorite place you've ever been: AND GO!

[Texts to Steve]
» Hey Captain Cutie.
» If I said I needed you help with a rescue, what would you say?

Aug. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

This cellphone would have made things a hell of a lot easier back home.

The name's Diego Hargreeves. Not so happy to be stuck in another time and place. It's getting real old.

[OOC: We are assuming he showed up at the apartment in the middle of the night and scared the crap out of his siblings and was brought up to date at that point.]

Aug. 3rd, 2020



Network: Tony Stark

[FILTER: Sam Wilson, Darcy Lewis]

Would you mind watching little dude this Saturday evening? Peter requested we go out for his birthday.

Jul. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

Did you know that there's a species of ant that exists solely in the Broadway medians at 63rd and 75th? Well...arguably it's a subspecies of Lasius emarginatus. But the point is! Manhattan is such a wonderfully unique place that it has its very own subspecies of ant! Which, of course, is called the ManhattAnt.

This raises the question, for me at least, of how detailed a replica of Manhattan this is. There are differences, obviously, big differences, but what about the details? Are there ManhattAnts in the medians?

Jul. 27th, 2020


[No Subject]

So uh... That was a thing that happened.

I hope that there wasn't too much going on where I would have been needed in the clinic. Sorry Sam, seventeen-year-old me didn't quite have the medical expertise that I do.



[No Subject]

Not having a repeat of that would be preferable.Thanks for the movies, Darcy.

Buck...thanks for being you.

Jul. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

When I went to sleep as a teenager, I did not expect to wake up almost 20 years older.

If we could not do that for a third time, I'd appreciate it.

Jul. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

So... Trampoline park trip? Y/Y?

Jul. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

This is fine and all, but I am way bored. There has to be something to do here other than binge watch way too much TV.

Jul. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Texts to Steve Rogers]

» Hey birthday boy
» Are you awake?

Jun. 25th, 2020



Filtered away from Children*

(* Use your best judgment here.)

I'm feeling very called out rn.

Cut for picture )

Jun. 9th, 2020



Network: Freddy Freeman

Do you think I am close enough to 16 to get a job this summer?

May. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

You would think in a city modeled after New York City, there would be something of interest to do on a Sunday evening. Alas, I can think of nothing.


I do realize I am asking quite a lot from you, but I feel I must ask for one more thing to prevent me from having to use compulsion. If you could be so kind as to deliver to my family and I our bank account funds, we would be most grateful. Thank you.

Apr. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Steve Rogers]

Are you going to make me ask? You're going to make me ask, because you're a tease. I can tell.

How did your date with Diana go?

Apr. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Lydia is gone.



[No Subject]

What's black and white and red all over?

[Emma Frost]

Favourite food? Or tequila. We could skip straight to tequila if you prefer.

Apr. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Steve Rogers]

Hey Captain Cutie,

I'm in desperate need of getting the hell out of the house for a while. You busy?

Mar. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]


Feb. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

I had an idea and it might actually be a dumb idea but well, Tony's the more creative mind and I just...get ideas sometimes.

I know a lot of people here aren't from Earth or the 21st century or...a dimension like this one? I can't think of better phrasing for that. ANYWAY. Maybe it's dorky but then, this is me, but I kind of enjoyed introducing people to one of my favorite movies from when I was younger and I think it might be fun to do it more. Would anyone be up for like...weekly movie night? One or two movies each night, snacks or maybe even real food I don't know, general hanging out with other Entity-napped people? Get people not from around here caught up on their pop culture and stuff?

Or is this the dumbest idea I've had since I told Nat "yeah sure, I'll go hang out with Fury's Band of Merry Miscreants"? (That is not a direct quote and if Natasha tells you otherwise, she's lying)



Network: Tony Stark

[Filter: Adult family & friends*]

How do you stop acting like a kid is your kid?

[21+ & you are if you want to be]