Some Reality Web
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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September 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Friends* -minus Thor]

So the Entity has decided to torture me. Cool. Cool cool cool.

Who wants to get blind stinking drunk?

(OOC: *- If in doubt, hit me up.)



003 | Lara Croft

Reading about Asgard in texts is one thing, seeing it for yourself is a very surreal experience.

I don't even know where to start.



September 18 | Laura Howlett

¿¡Dónde estoy!? ¿Como llegué aqui?

Where is Rictor?



001 | Violet Parr

I'm still pretty sure I'm dreaming, but as far as dreams go, this is pretty awesome.

If this is real, then I definitely broke one of the number one rules of traveling: always bring a towel.

I guess I should introduce myself, hi. I'm Violet.

Filtered to Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler
I'm sorry I stared and laughed nervously like a moronThanks for helping me get settled.



[No Subject]

To return home to a place that you never thought you would see again... the words do not describe...

And this time, too! Haustblot approaches. It is the time when are harvest is cut. The food for the Haustblot is always the freshest! And the mead...

We must feast, Sunday, the castle halls will hold all of us.

And we will lit the fire in the courts of the castle. It is a tradition for the king to light the fire of the kingdom, and then to have each family light their fire from that at the castle... this symbolizes the binding of a community and would be my honor to share with you the traditions of my ancestors... if you wish to partake, of course.

How do you plan a feast?

There are so many places I wish to show you, my daughter.

I know your feelings must be mixed. How fair you, brother?