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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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September 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

I broke my phone during all that.. Whatever. Got a new one finally. Feel a bit less awful. Sorry to worry anyone.

Should be okay to come back to work in a couple days officially I think. Thanks for understanding.

You can have your alarm back.



[No Subject]

[Group Text to Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Nebula]

>> so
>> no laughing, swear to god
>> but I fell out of my chair
>> it spun out across the bedroom
>> and I'm sort of stuck in my closet
>> I've been trying to get up for the last 45 minutes help?



[No Subject]

I'm not sure if I am more upset that spooky pancakes are not spooky or about the wee fact they are also so bloody sugary.

I'm having a shite time trying new food.



[No Subject]

[Jim Kirk and Natasha Romanoff]
I need a letter that says I have low blood sugar hyperglycemia or I will starve to death and fail all my classes because they don't let us eat at all and it's not fair.



[No Subject]

Things I definitely only have time to do when I have a twisted ankle include spending two hours watching Simone Biles performing a triple double in slow motion trying to figure out if I'm too tall to pull it off.

(I am. I've grown two inches since the Sydney Olympics and even then I was a giant compared to her. As much as I hate to admit it I'd probably end up landing face first and breaking my neck.)

(What's a triple double? A double tuck is a double backflip with legs tucked up, jumping up and flipping backwards twice before landing. That was first performed by a female gymnast in 1976. In 1978 Elena Mukhina performed a twisting double tuck, a double backflip during which she also spun around in a full circle on the vertical axis - like when dancers spin in a circle. In 1988, Daniela Silivas pulled off a second twist for a double double, which has been one of the hardest tumbling moves ever since. It has an H difficulty rating on a scale of A to I. Three vertical axis twists at the same time as two on the horizontal axis, backwards, is completely insane and has a difficulty rating that's literally off the chart. I'm jealous to a probably ridiculous degree, considering how long I've been retired and the fact that I didn't even perform on floor in the first place.)

It feels healed now, at least, so I won't be going down an internet rabbit hole of scrutinising the performances of every active top-ranked gymnast and feeling very old. This is for the best for everyone.