Angel Grove Net

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Posts Tagged: 'eponine+thenardier'

Oct. 4th, 2018




So... someone kidnapped Gavroche.

They sent me the note.

Apr. 7th, 2018



[Meant to be locked to family/ failed]

This is bullshit. It has to be parental abuse. Locking me in my room.

They boarded the window. I only have access to my phone, and my phone calls are not private.

My bitch of a mother got a tip-off my cartel. It's not my problem people make bad choices, I never used my shit. My mom is such a cunt.

I guess I didn't hit my sister hard enough. She must have blabbed.

Jun. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Fuck this. Fuck today. Fuck 4 years ago. Fuck my life. Fuck this world.

My new friend is this this bottle of Sunset Rum and my old record player.

Even if my friends already nearly gone and I only started an hour and a half ago.

Vive la révolution! And something along that shit.

Have I said fuck my head yet? Screw my meds, I'll deal with the consequences.

Jun. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Today, in the life I had before this one started, I died. I was the first to die on the barricade my friends and I held, in what was supposed to be the next French Revolution, and every year since I started remembering this has been, uh. It's been really hard?

Especially considering how much I miss them. Drinks in my departed friends' memories anyone?

Mar. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Um...Bonjour? What IS this place and why are all of you dressed so funny?

Feb. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

I don't know if I'm ready to be a mum... I don't know how. I don't... Agh. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Jan. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

It took me a while to write this. Because of the overwhelming feeling I have. This is going to be MY YEAR. No matter where it leads me, I will stay in control. For myself and my child first and foremost. And for my FAMILY.

I've let myself fall so far down. Letting the past stay in the past. I am.. ME. There's only one me. There will only ever be one ME. And I'm going to be the best me I can be. I'm going to have this baby. This beautiful baby girl growing inside me. I'm going to give her a mother every child deserves.

And I'm going to get myself back into what I love. Tennis, my talent. What I know I'm good at. And no one, NO ONE is going to hold me back. And if they try, I will have no regrets to fight against it. I'm strong. I've learned a lot last year.

That is my resolution: to be ME.

That's it. The very best ME be I can, for myself, for my little Emily, for my mother for my father, for my sisters, friends. And I know that I will do this.

And this is my song, the song that drives me Fight Song

May. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Oh Christ, what even is this? How do I know how to use this thing?

Mar. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Yay no longer grounded from the internet! What did I miss :3

Sorry for anyone who comes in after, drama I'll try and lock from all but family.

Trigger warning in comments of possible 'rape', abortion, and all that kinda stuff

Mar. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm so damn tired, and I'm so thankful for it. I'd like you guys to meet Luciana Nicole McCutcheon.

Cut for picture )

Jan. 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

WOO HOSPITAL VISIT! My gym teacher has police on his side of the ER... I wonder what he did wrong.

Driving in the rain can't be something that gets the police involved if you crash, right?

Jan. 15th, 2015



[No Subject]

I swear to god if this nulls my progress to my masters I am going to throw something. At someone of my choosing.

Person yet to be chosen.

Jan. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

...shit. This is the worst possible timing, ever.

[TW: for talk of miscarriage in the comments.]

Dec. 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

[info]angelnet it bad for babies if you go to a rock concert while pregnant?

Also, 'Ponine, you're coming right? Also, I have two tickets extra if anyone wants to come with. Best part of the teleporters, NO TRAVEL ISSUES! Halestorms new tour, Jan. 9th. I'll cover the hotel for the night stay, and I'll take you to a bar to drink if you girls want. Or guys! DOESN'T MATTER.

Just who's game?

Nov. 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

I believe it customary to post some sort of a greeting or, perhaps, a warning, when one returns from a months long hiatus in this place, yes? In some of the places I have been, there was no access to the network, and in others, the time was better spent in training, and in study, then scratching out an existence in this place. And I have...

Things have not changed so drastically from Paris, and my old life there, I suppose, and certainly I have not changed, though my circumstances have shifted a bit. Essentially, I will be doing my old work, only with children. It was needed, so I took it, I suppose.

So, how many of you are pregnant here, now? What felonies have you all been charged with? Does Monsieur Pontmercy's romantic life still take precedence over other issues?

Sep. 5th, 2014



[Locked from Lalna]

To the new mothers (or fathers) out there... what do you do when you feel you can't care for your child as well as everyone says you should be?

I'm afraid to be alone with her, in case I do something wrong. This tiny little thing is relying on me and I still panic and think I'm not capable of it. I'm going to mess this up. Something is going to go wrong.

And... is it possible to have cold feet about a wedding that's not even been planned yet? He deserves better...

Jul. 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

So a friend gave me something. I need to know, if any of you can understand why it was given to me, I need someone to talk to about this.

Trigger warnings for talk of miscarriage in comments
Cut for image )

Jun. 12th, 2014



I did it!

I have some more exciting news for everyone. Well, I doubt everyone cares, but those of you who are friends do, and I have to get it out somewhere, right?

I am going to be a teacher! One of the schools I spoke to called me back today to tell me that I had a job waiting for me if I would take it. So next year I will be teaching English and German in a school. Quite possibly linguistics if enough students sign up for that.

It was true, what I said last weekend, about Friday being for the dead and all the days that follow for the living. Friday was still remarkably hard, and I suspect June 6th is going to be hard for years, but well, I'm through it now, and I've been living with my family's grace and understanding, and my friends.

I'm lucky, is the way to put it. And, for once, I feel as though I ought to be here.

Jun. 3rd, 2014



[Locked from Antoine]

I think that the worst thing about losing a husband (or a wife, but in my case, husband) is that first moment when you realize how very much like them your child has grown up to be...

It is still too soon, for me, to catch the look of passion and intensity in Antoine's eyes, in his moments of greatest joy and inspiration, and to see Apollon mirrored in them, and knowing he is not likely to ever stand beside him doing that same thing again, or to see, and tell our son how proud he is of him and his success.

And, oh, how much I MISS him.

I was supposed to guide him here. To guide him always. How dare he go where I can't follow?

This is stupid and self indulgent. My apologies.

May. 26th, 2014



[No Subject]

So nobody told me having babies was so easy? :D Except I had them by way of Cesarean.
Cut for image and possible TW )