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Posts Tagged: 'damien+maigny'

Dec. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

For future reference, taking your boss's daughter out to the pub's, in general, a bloody bad idea. I have never seen him so angry at me before. He skipped the yelling in favor of one of those calm,perfectly delivered, scary as anything lectures that invoke my mother. Things about responsibility, and being here to set an example, and being asked to tell him, while I'm trying to recover from my own hangover, in perfectly precise and measured words, why I think I deserve to continue working for him.

...It ended with a formal notice that we signed, giving me two more chances at making mistakes like this before being dismissed, being the one assigned to take care of the girl until she's over HER first hangover, and him pointing out that not only was he disappointed, that he's sure my parents would be too.

For some reason, that got me more than any of the rest. Bloody feelings.

Sep. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

why am I a lad!?

Sep. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

Well. This has been a terrible weeks-end, all things considered. Tell me, is anyone hiring? I may be out of a position very soon. I'm generally a decent hand with a sword, good with horses, and usually manage guard details and other duties fairly well.

Aside from those I monumentally fuck up, of course.

Just don't expect for me to manage young people,I guess.

Maker but I wish that my best friends were here. They would have some idea of how to make this better, and what I should not do. I wish I had the chance to turn things back and set things right, you know?

Aug. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

There's nothing being a glorified babysitter, aka bodyguard for two now sixteen year olds has taught me more than the fact I need to make some more adult friends than the guy who's paying me for it. I've even got some nights free with the job, and a day off now and everything, like a normal manny of Beverly... of Newport Rhode Island, actually.

...Anyway, point remains that I could use some friends to share a pint, or a game of wicked grace, or something else entirely if you'd be so inclined. Does anyone here fence or...anything, really? I'm getting desperate and alone and stressed. Never good combinations, let me tell you.

I've got most of the nights free this week and then next Thursday off if anyone would be interested in hanging out with this out of place knight who could use a break.

Jul. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

I fucking hate children, especially the teenagers. Isn't there some place sane people can send them for a few hours a day to get a break? Maybe somewhere they can learn how to function in society? The Circles had classes instead of tutors for basic lessons, and so did the chantry and training grounds. Does this world have the same for regular little brats?

Additionally, how does one approach their employee with suggestions regarding their children and the raising of said royal brats?

Because as much as I want to haul the young prince out to the proverbial woodshed, and to duct tape the crown princess's mouth shut when the two of them get going, it may not be the best idea. Prince Aedan's been home two days, but suddenly...

He knows the best ways to get to his sister, and he's hurting her so much. He must be badly hurt himself, but I cannot guard Ellie properly while seeing to Aedan's needs, and wounds, and discipline as well, and neither can her tutor for that matter. Any suggestions for asking for more support for them, then?

May. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

It appears, despite the tremors, the phantoms that I don't really see, the vomiting and the earth shattering, mind breaking pain, that I am still a templar after all. Having resolved my struggle with my faith by taking the middle ground between following my conscience and the rules of this world, I find myself with a charge, a mage to guard, ironically, a girl who would have become, at home, a fellow leader of the free marches in time.

Granted, I have no idea what one does with a sixteen year old girl, particularly one who could set me on fire and has no control of magic whatsoever, but... Better than imprisoning her, and better still than leaving her on her own.

She misses her mabari most, she says. I don't suppose anyone knows of any good dogs here? Or that any magic users here might be able to lend a hand? Or how I handle when she drives me insane and to extensive worry? She hasn't yet, but we've all been, or will be, teenagers and I know it isn't going to last. Or if I'm, apparently, ready to take this on. It is not as though I can, or would, smite her anymore.

I wish that Arielle were here. She knows what it's like to be a girl.


May. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

When you'd be punished pretty harshly by rules that are directly, and I mean directly opposed to your moral standards, and your own ethics and beliefs, what are you supposed to do? The way I see it, my options include betraying myself, my convictions, and everything that I have ever valued or come to care about by allowing a reprehensible evil to continue festering here, unchecked, or I can act on what I know to be the right and just way of going about things and be punished for it somewhere down the line?

Does one value his convictions higher, or the fact he must lay low in a strange land? What does he betray, the shaky standards of the world that he is in, which he knows to be wrong and in need of change, or does he betray himself and all he stands for? I cannot do one without worrying for the repercussions of the other.

Where does he matter of treason come into play and is it ever right to commit it?

...I need to get a dose soon, get my head on straight about these things. It's been too long, it really has.

May. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]


does anyone happen to have any lyrium?

Any that works?

I suspect probably not but we all live in hope, fools that we actually are.

I had a limited supply as was, but I was trying not to think about that until now.

This is...this is terrible, actually.

I think that I may be withdrawing. Has anyone here got advice for that?

Apr. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Heh. So I'm thinking of writing a second part to my Tales of the Champion book. I'll base it around Daisy, of course. And of course the Arishok will be there...and the Champion will be the hero.

Heh. Hawke's going to kill me.

Apr. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

And this would be why I'm not meant to touch the glowing things in Skyhold's secret passages, wouldn't it?

I don't suppose this is still Thedas, is it?