Angel Grove Net

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Posts Tagged: 'thomas+shelby'

Nov. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

Armistace Day today.

Honouring the Hallowed Dead...and those who died but walked away.

A century and four years past the bloody thing's ended and I still can't see the purpose they were playing at.

Nor remember that boy who went to war and never made it home again.

Oct. 30th, 2022



[No Subject]

D'you know that thing where people say they've been called home to experience life, then wake up here again without time having passed much at all, but you're...fundamnetally changed by it?

I need a drink. I need a smoke and a bath and...

Dunno what I need really, but it's...SOMETHING.

What a long trip back it was.

May. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

I've found my way back to Oxford after all this time isn't quite the same and I don't think there's a place for me anymore.

Where should I go? I've the whole world at my finger tips, yet I feel like a lost soul trapped to drift.

Dec. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

A miracle? Ha! An afterlife? No, of course not. Perhaps a...very odd revival? Am I a zombie now? Brains are disgusting!

Oct. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Its like the fucking saying goes: A gypsy is a gypsy is a gypsy.

They'll steal the rings from your fingers.

And the love from your heart

Sep. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Well, we're rolling up to the November kid's play with all the children on the staff helping do set painting.

I think I need to go down and buy some more aprons or sew up some more, and I suspect it'll be a pizza for dinner night.

If people are interested, I can give the details? It's basically a family friendly play, with the kids helping fingerpaint various bits of the set, and put on by the students for the staff to bring their family in on. Cheap tickets, goes to holiday dinners for the poor kind of programs.

Aug. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Birthday dates are really cool and shit.

Jun. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Opening Weekend of the Shelby Casino's next Friday, July 3rd.

Brace yourselves, lads and lasses, it'll be a good one.

[Address and Coordinates].

Jun. 14th, 2020



[Meant to be locked from Ian. FAIL] [ TEXT DELETED AS OF 6-17]

Getting the idea that my kid's a gay homosexual. Is that even the right modern word? I know what WE used isn't right and we weren't all that enlightened on that sort of thing, which frankly made no fucking sense then and makes less now. How do I tell him that it's perfectly okay and not something he's got to hide, ever, but especially here and especially now he's with ME?

Cause while they said stuff would come up...this isn't quite the stuff I'd pictured.

May. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Casino’s opening at the end of the next month, lads. Anyone else besides my right hand man need a job? Talk to me.

They also approved me to do the looking after a displaced youth thing, so...there’s that? Sounds like absolute madness but...better me than several other places, eh?

Now I’ve only got to find a good horse and a decent girl.

Time to be a bloody role model I suppose.

Apr. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

It feels kinda weird, not having to save everyone every single week.

Apr. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Wasn't going to say much until it was settled, but now all the paperwork's in place, fees are paid and equipment's being settled in, it's safe to announce that I have been a busy boy.

You, ladies, gentleman, and those falling somewhere in between are speaking to the proprietor of the finest new casino experience on offer. I'm looking to see installations finished in the next few weeks and begin the hiring process now, with training soon to follow. Anybody looking? Come to me; I treat my people well, and my mates even better.

More to follow as its coming, soon I should expect.

Apr. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

How the fuck is anyone good all the time.

Apr. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

Alright, been here a little while, long enough to notice a few things: tldr cut )

So, items all aside, here's a proposal for helping in these cases.

There're registers for people who go missing here, and for people who're seeking people, but they're all attached to this world, eh?

Could we get some sort of system going for those of us who've gotten here, list those who we'll be looking for if they come in, and make this register available WHEN those folks come in, perhaps attached to all the files in the welcome wagon they roll out?

It'd say who's here, looking for people, and identify who those people we'd be seeking are? I think our own one is the best way we could go, as not to take away from those here missing for other reasons.

Would you much mind being on or using it?

Who'd I talk to about starting one up?

Apr. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

So. easter huh?

Apr. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]


Mar. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Well, Fuck it all, for starters.

THIS is going to be bad for business.

Don't dare suppose anyone here can point in the direction of a stiff drink and whoever the boss in these parts is?