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Posts Tagged: 'fleur+didiane+pontmercy'

Nov. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Can't believe that my life is going to change in a little over 6 months.

Look at sweet little Emily. [13 week ultrasound]

Oct. 9th, 2015



[Locked From Marius and Cosette]

I... Internet.

How do I...come out? My parents are going to be...

They're Victorian. Like actual honest to God, eighteen thirties Victorian.

My papa is going to...

I'm really, really scared, you know?

Sep. 28th, 2015



[Locked from Sebastian, Ellie, Marius and Cosette]

That awkward moment when you get distracted by a guy throwing rocks at your window at three in the morning because you're "the only person he can trust in this world", apparently. This is what good deeds get you, kiddos, weird people with issues who think you're the only one able to be any use to them.

Thank FUCK my parents were asleep through all of this. Or at least didn't notice enough to show up asking questions or trying to call the inspector about it. I'm a little too attached to really be into the idea of a random, younger, messed up boy hanging around me hoping I can fix his problems as it is. I mean I want to HELP, but I don't...

Dammitt Vael, I'm (going to be) a nurse, not a psychiatrist!

His phone was dead, so I let him borrow mine and got him a ride to somewhere safe for now, so...It's out of my hands now, anyway. It was weird, It was incredibly weird, but I hope it's over, for the moment anyway. I don't mind helping somebody out of a shitty situation, but I'm not exactly a professional, you know? And I do like to sleep.

Apr. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Going shopping with a version of your father who still thinks of you as a literal baby, and is literally Victorian, as in he grew up during the Regency and came of age in the 1820's and early 30's is...

It's interesting, is what it is.

I thought Papa was going to faint when we passed the...unmentionables... shop and he got a look in the window. I do have a video that will go down in family history if I can help it, mind you.

On the upside, I now own trousers and jeans that fit properly and will have some more things coming in from the wonders of the internet.

I wonder how he's going to react to the swimming suit...

Apr. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]


It seems like I've fallen back in history? Well, not my parents' original time exactly, but things look like they were in some of the old television shows? It looks sort of like when the retro channel ran episodes of The Bang Theory and the 12th Doctor Who back when the doctor was a man?

Well, the normal world part of Doctor Who before they rebooted the entire thing at least. But anyway, if somebody could help me find anyone here who knows my family, maybe? I take it that they won't know me, but my name is Fleur Pontmercy. My girlfriend best friend is Cera Dashing and I have a lot of honorary cousins and uncles who ought to know me too. Can anyone point me in the right direction, either of someone I know, or somewhere I can stay?