Angel Grove Net

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Posts Tagged: 'anakin+skywalker'

Dec. 31st, 2023



Testing...Seriously, testing?

Is this working now?

I've been trapped in a lift since quarter to six.

I wanted to not miss the new year at home, even if the shrink in here is pretty cool. For whatever reason, this thing is force resistant and guard's insanely down after I saw my OWN shrink, so...

Yeah. We could use some help.

Someone tell me that you see this!

Jan. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]



Sep. 26th, 2020



[Locked from Luke]

Maybe this planning a surprise party thing is a little bit crappy when it looks like you forgot the birthday person's birthday...

I hope tomorrow's party makes up for this...

Jul. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone else have weirdo fucking dreams lately?

Jun. 21st, 2020



my neighbours are idiots

"Cute! twins! Are they identical?"

"Well, No, they're a boy and girl (far as we know, I don't think they've decided they're anything else yet, they're still mastering sleep, but I digress)."

"Yeah, but are they identical?"




Is this a conversation we'll be having often over the rest of our lives?

May. 2nd, 2020



[Force Sensitive Lock (ie Padme, Luke, etc]


Did anybody else just wake up feeling THAT?

Like a meteor hitting the side of a house, but it's not OUR house. It's more like it hit a house several miles away and I'm experiencing it through the Force. I can't quite place it, but it's big. It's potentially dangerous, and...

Luke? Did you notice anything? Kestis is spending the weekend with that weird group he wants to join, and he's the only other fully trained one here besides us. Can you possibly center me while I start looking for that place in the Force where something snapped? Or I could center YOU.

We have to get ahold of this thing before it's close enough to us we feel it in more places than the Force. I'm not letting my family get hurt.

(OOC: Basically, Cal had a flashback nightmare of his experiences during Order 66. He lashed out with the Force before he realized what was happening, and blew a hole in the main wall and a window of his guest room while visiting Assassin HQ.

The Assassins would DEFINITELY have heard it. Anakin doesn't know that yet, though. Feel free to post complaining if you were AT the HQ))

Apr. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

...This isn't Endor.




Dec. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

What manner of place is this? This is definietly not home or the council. I have a war to stop and if I am not there, who is going to help fight it? I demand to know where I am and how I got here. And how to get back home. My people need me.

Anakin? Are you here my love? Anyone else from my world that is just as confused as me?

Dec. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Your planet is interesting. Did most of you really come here from other worlds like I just did?

That''s not the greatest time, but if there's nothing I can do about that, I'll have to hope the war goes on okay without me. And Ahsoka...

Ahsoka HAS to be all right. She's chosen her own path now and I HOPE she's going to be okay. I wish that I could be there, help her, but that wasn't going to be happening even at home, if I had stayed there so I have to trust the force, and her, and the things I taught her, and believe this IS the way that things should go.

I hope all of that's right. It's weird but I do have a good feeling about all of this, somehow. Crash landings and the like aside, at least.

I'm Anakin, for the record. Skywalker. Not sure why you'd have heard of me but maybe somebody from home's around.



[No Subject]

Where am I? Nothing at all looks familiar. Compared to what I was seeing before coming here, this place seems pretty tame... So much death and destruction where I was before. I couldn't save the two people I loved most in this world.. They are gone forever. Gone from my life and I could not save them. This must be my punishment for not trying harder. Maybe I deserve it...

Someone mind telling me where I am?

May. 4th, 2016



Forward Posted A Couple Hours

Fuck. Oh Fuck.

Oh Fuck Oh Fuck Oh FUCK.

I can't, I don't...I didn't...I don't want...

Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK.

I didn't mean to...

I have no idea what to do or how to...

Maybe there's not anything, I don't know...

I think I need help.



[No Subject]

My classmates finally get it. Today as I was leaving class, they actually said May the Force be with you. I've only been trying to get them to do that for months now. They claim it's from some movie thing, but that I probably shouldn't watch it. Still. I mean it's cultural I guess? And called Star Wars?

Anyway, I got the first three movies, even though someone told me I should watch the fourth, fifth and sixth first and they were made first? I'm not sure what THAT'S about. But they have Jedi apparently? And other things. Anyway, time to plu them in if anybody wants to come join me?

You probably won't miss much if you hurry?

Apr. 9th, 2016



[No Subject]

Failing Social Studies, Gym, and English. How the Hell...

Anybody got ideas to help with that?

Mar. 26th, 2016



[No Subject]


Mar. 13th, 2016



[No Subject]

So. It's come to the point we've all been dreading. My gym class is due to start the swimming unit on Monday.

Anybody have some decent, fool proof excuses to keep me from having to suit up and go into the water? I haven't managed to die yet and I don't really want to do it now. And if anybody finds out I can't swim when I'm a junior in high school...

I don't even wanna think about how much of a loser they're going to think I am, okay?

I mean, we had the room of a thousand waters at the temple. It was nice. I even meditated there a lot. But Master Bant was usually there too, and she made sure I didn't drown, even though I kind of came close to it a LOT. I've never been allowed out of the shallow pools yet, and our pool is mostly deeper...

I'm going to end up really embarrassed and drowned on Monday, huh?

Mar. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

School is officially the worst, mine in particular. No one understands even the most basic concepts of physics and it feels like every class I'm waiting around for them all to catch up, and getting yelled at for things like "fidgeting in class" and "playing" or "picking fights with the other students" but if they're bullying the kids who can't stick up for themselves, there's only one thing I CAN do, right?


I do like autoshop and regular shop and gym isn't so bad. Our teacher there is insane in the coolest way possible and is letting us learn fencing. I'm more advanced, so I get to help out the others, including some of the really cute boys and girls. I know, I know, I'm not SUPPOSED to love them or anything like THAT. Obi-Wan threw that into my face enough at the temple. But still. I can like BEING with them as friends, can't I?

We're supposed to start swimming when we're done with that though. I'm not sure how to get myself out of THAT one yet, but it's going to be really really bad, so I'll need something.

I'm thinking about what to do when I'm out of money though. Because that's going to be soon. Most of the jobs I've found won't pay a lot for the hours I can work, and I need to be able to handle my room and food money and maybe clothes and soap? I can do without a lot of food. I usually have broth for breakfast and dinner and I can skip school lunches, but I AM getting a little dizzy lately.

Anyone need help with their cars, maybe?

Jan. 18th, 2016



Locked From R2

[info]angelnet old friend of mine turned up here, only he's afraid of me and I don't have any idea why.

I'm not sure why he'd think he had to be afraid or think I'm a bad person or anything like that. I'm still just me, Anakin, a Jedi in training, but.

It hurts, actually, a little, even though I'm mostly really confused. Why would anybody be afraid of me? How can I make him like me again?

What did I do wrong? I'm so confused.

Jan. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]



Jan. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

Things I do when I'm bored

Any of you lot want a car? Don't need half the ones I have now.

Jan. 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is weird and kinda...ancient as far as tech levels go, but, I really need to contact a couple of people, so I'm hoping I can manage to work this, and all.

So...I'm here from Corcuscant. They said your planet is called Earth and this city is called Angel Grove. I got that part okay, though Earth looks like it has a lot of countries and other places like that. Lots of water too, though I guess you're not exactly like Naboo or anything, with people who live under it? all look the same? No offense but that's pretty weird right there.

Uh sorry, that's a little rude. My master always tells me not to just SAY what I'm thinking even if it's true. Speaking of, I was hoping that somebody might be able to help me find him, or that he might be here. I can't FEEL him anywhere near me, but maybe my connection to the Force has gotten messed up. It's a lot dimmer here, definitely but I haven't met anyone who can use it so that COULD be part of why, right? If he isn't, and there are other Jedi? It'd be really good to hear from them.

So, Obi-Wan, if you're out there, I'm really, really trying to find you, like now would be fantastic? I'm hurt and can't really get around right now and it's annoying and I miss you and I've started having nightmares again. Please come and find me if you can, okay?