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Posts Tagged: '%21independence+day+plot'

Jul. 23rd, 2017



audio post;


Nothin' like a little shoot out t'get the blood rushing!

(It's likely you can hear him firing rounds off as he's shouting this over the network.)

Jul. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Maker, don't get me wrong, I AM glad he's returned safe, and seemingly calmer than he has been, now that the aliens are on the brink of quitting, and that he had the sense to go out with one of the few people outside of family (or soon to be family) who I trust implicitly, but Aedan's slipping out, with only a note hidden well enough to allow himself time to get away before it was found, with no security to speak of and while lying about the entire thing, both directly and by omission drives me MAD.

I swear to you all, here and now, that after he's had a proper day to rest from being out there, that I am going to murder him.

...How DO you impress it upon someone that their life belongs not only to themself, but to their country, or their cause or whatever it is that they're meant to hold sacred above everything else?

Not to mention the more personal concerns I have for him, of course, but Aed's rather more reasonable about it when I've had to address things like that, even bordering on mature at times, at least in the end. I've no doubt things will come around to being alright on that end fairly fast, even if we'll neither of us like the conversation we'll be having.

It's the convincing him of his greater value and responsibility in the bigger face of things that we're all struggling with, not that it's hard to understand why he IS. If there's a way to impress on someone things are different now, I'd love to hear them all the same, mind.

Jul. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

So, while all of the crazy's been going on, it's come to my attention that the trousers I came here wearing are a LITTLE threadbare, I uh might have a few rips along the seems of them, and both of my shirts have gotten a little tight. NOT exactly the best image to project to anybody, especially with the meetings for my start up space, is it?

....When all of the alien things are over, is there somebody who'd want to come shopping for a new pair of trousers and a shirt or two? Maybe shoes since mine are almost falling off the sole. I could really use some help here.



[No Subject]

...Highlord? Lady Liadrin?

I knew the Deceiver dying would change things, but not like this.

Jul. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Fuck these aliens, man!



[No Subject]

Looks like these things don't like lightsabers.



[No Subject]

I can't wait for these aliens to be defeated. It gives aliens that aren't here to attack a bad name.

Jul. 17th, 2017



[Locked from family, Noah, Basch, Balthier, Haytham, Hanzo, ]

if I said that I was wanting to get out there and fight, right here and now, and that Im healed enough to do some damage, would any of you have me join your lots?



[No Subject]

I got taken out in the fighting but luckily the people I was with got me somewhere safe. My arm's completely destroyed, since I think something hit it when I went down and I've got a concussion and a killer headache. If anyone can heal me and wants a one armed guy for...something, or can do a quick fix on a complex prosthetic, hit me up. Otherwise I'm rooting for you.



[No Subject]

Okay. I am so tired of this apartment! While I love that. Bart wants me safe I can't read the same books over again. A trip to the library would be great.

Bart said as long as he takes me I can go, but his work schedule is insane! These stupid aliens.....



[locked from immediate family members]

Whatever's gotten into our Aedan since he got his talking to from his new boss is not quite clear, annoying though it is. I understand being upset about losing out on horse camp, the last year he could slip in under age requirements, particularly when he's traded it in for two more weeks of lessons in protocol and social etiquette, but his behavior since this started and the camp announcement, particularly, has been reprehensible.

Had I said or done half as many things to MY tutor as the lad's been pulling, I can't say things round here would still be going so easily for me as they are for him. We've had to stop more than one lesson, or skip them in the altogether due to his stubborn refusals to cooperate or knock things off, and the fact he's more than once run off though lucky he's smart enough to stay on the grounds so far.

I am near the end of my rope with him, as the most of us here are. Anyone want to take him for a day, or so, or come round to distract the lad a little before he gets strangled, or worse, I'm forced to tell my brother I can't cope with him, and then lose all I'm building up? I'll pay for a theme park or something if you'll do it. Any other solutions for a bit of petulant brat taming you would suggest?

Jul. 15th, 2017



[Locked from Family]

i get it's unfair of me and i'm being imature and stupid to get upset over this when real problems are happening in the world and right in front of us and all, and that no one can help things and its petty to be upset, but why did it have to be when i had plans, big important special to me plans that have gotten fucked due to this alien thing?

I just really had been looking forward to camp and getting out of here and away from these people and out to do something i like, and instead I've gotten, well, this lot of nothing since its all on hold due to this invasion and they're refunding the deposit now, and the other people in my life are currently pissed enouhgh that my thing with them's probably been called off and...

Well, it ISN'T fucking fair that I was looking forward to something and i lost it through no fault of my own, is it? Maybe acceptance that nice things don't hapen to me like ever and im cursed for them's still an important takeaway in this.

I just wish something would turn out even though I know nows now the thyme to be focused on that anyway i guess?



[No Subject]

[Pack filter]
Are all of you doing okay? This shit's crazy.

Keep Liam inside. Those things are out there.

Jul. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Someone keep Lena and Ana occupied.

Rest of Overwatch is going alien hunting. Makes a change from omnics

Jul. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

My gift to you. That message some of us managed to intercept.

"Subjects proving mentally strong.

Must find weaker.

Swarm deployment in two Earth days. Ready single pilot swarm sets.

Gather troops in sets of 8."

Looks like the raiding party's coming to us. Looking forward to it.

Jul. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

It threw my hammer back at me!

Nobody throws my hammer back at me!

I can feel mother's judgement from here Even the Legion ships didn't do that. Light-damned bastards.

Jul. 10th, 2017



Transmission to all ships from mother ship.

Decodable to those who have the technology. )

Jul. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Any chance you guys have Mulder and Scully on line 2 somewhere? Because seriously, the FBI doesn't have a clue right now.



Mass message

Calling all mutants with an offensive gift! Good or bad, we need to unite against a common threat, and join the fight against the alien invasion.

If you intend to fight, meet me in the park in Angel Grove! I'll be there all day.

Jul. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Doctor... Sweetie.

Madeline is nowhere to be found, and the last time I knew where she was, she was with Jenny.

The TARDIS doesn't see them anywhere.