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Posts Tagged: 'bahorel'

Jun. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

Ferre’s in the hospital again. Status migrainosus, which basically, means a more severe than usual migraine, and being conscious is hell for him, so he’s on a lot of medication and probably won’t be awake for a few days. This happens to him every so often, and given the time of year? I’m really not shocked. They might need to tweak his daily meds, but...It’s the anniversary of the day Jehan and I died, and the rebellion that killed us all started.

So this weekend’s gonna be interesting. I almost envy him the fact he doesn’t have to be present for it. If I hadn’t seen how bad it was, that is. Let’s just hope the others all get through okay.

May. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

Judge shows are strangely addicting.

Oct. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

That was interesting. What is going on? I have my little girl as if she never aged

May. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

...So, Enjolras, apparently, has run away.

Is the penalty for killing your adopted sibling ward any worse than killing anybody else? Just out of morbid curiosity.

Who wants to help me track him down in Paris, then?

Dec. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

I think we're moving to France now. It's been about two days and I've never seen Enjolras so much as smile before, but here, in his village, Cassis, in Provence, he's definitely doing a lot of that and they adore him. We can work with this setting, I should think.

Nov. 27th, 2017



[Locked from Enjolras]

So, what's the scoop on good apartment pets? Cats and Dogs are out, birds, rodents, reptiles and fish are okay on the lease. Feeding something and making sure its tucked in for the night might get my roommate to be normal if he has to feed one and remembers he should do the same and all.

Nov. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

So, the craziness resolved, I walk into the apartment at about four in the morning to discover that my roommate's turned over the couch and invited some people from the building to shelter in his barricade. Not to mention the remains of a clown costume covered over in ...a lot of really bright glitter and puddles of makeeup.

...My (16 year old) roommate built a barricade and organized it with our neighbors and drove off apparently killer clowns.

...There's times I see my Enjolras in there, after all.

Oct. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Why did no one tell me the kid thing was going to be so HARD? I'd have done it anyway, but...


I'm really shit at this.

Sep. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

The Enjolras cycle is actually more complicated than we thought. He got hit with the memories I had in my past life, things he hasn't lived, and they found him wandering through Paris, in a really bad way with dehydration and passing out with an insane heart rate, then, when he'd woken up, asking for people not here. I think I might be in over my head here. Help.

Sep. 20th, 2017



[forward dated to around two am thursday]

I get I haven't been around a lot lately, because we've had an emergency situation, but seriously, I thought Enjolras was able to handle it. Cue a phonecall from the Paris police about needing me to come and get him out of custody or...something. Parisian French is a little different from Quebecois.

And, anyway. I now need to get, and kill, my roommate who I thought was old enough to know better. Apparently even he's this stupid at sixteen, and at the worst of times to come.

Sep. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide Discussion )

At the moment, I can take any questions anyone has, field updates and pass on messages if anyone has any. I know none of the family are really up for it at the moment. Can everybody kind of cross your fiDngers for all of them for a while, guys?

Aug. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

Teenagers are weird and dramatic, right? Even my favorite little sister was weird and dramatic before around the time she was in Grade 11 or so, and my future daughter, Roxie, during that week our future spawn all turned up, but I don't remember any of them being as weird or dramatic as Enjolras.

Maybe it seems that way because I know him as older, as our fearless leader in the bid for revolution in one lifetime and major social changes in another, but waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and finding him still awake while he composedly refuses to go the fuck to sleep, telling me that the republic can't rest is something else again.

And then the fact I had to seriously get a mini fridge with a lock to put his energy drinks in because I've seen the kid go through six in an entire day.

And the one where he forgets to eat and seems annoyed when I pull him out of whatever weird reverie he's in to do this is...

By the time I got to Enjolras in Paris, he was out of balance, but this is extreme, even for him. Seeing one of your already desperately young friends being actually immature for the first time, over stupid things is....eye opening to say the least.

...Does anybody have any ideas to cope with this, since I'm now legally his guardian and they think we're biologically brothers now and all. I don't want to stifle him or anything, but this is....

I'm pretty sure it isn't normal. Help?

Jun. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Today, in the life I had before this one started, I died. I was the first to die on the barricade my friends and I held, in what was supposed to be the next French Revolution, and every year since I started remembering this has been, uh. It's been really hard?

Especially considering how much I miss them. Drinks in my departed friends' memories anyone?

Mar. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

I just..... I hate hospitals.... my grandmother died in one....

And now I'm here because these guys jumped me. So what if I'm bisexual? Who cares? Now my leg is broken, I have a concussion, and I'm going to have to walk around on crutches when I get out of here.

And worse yet, I didn't see the guys who jumped me, it happened so fast.

Jan. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]


Jan. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

Guess who just got out of jail and has unrestricted net access once more? Who's up for pizza?

Oct. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

So, yeah, friendly reminder that Pleasure-Bot 8000 exists.

World of Warcraft man.

Aug. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

My life. My choices.

Hi, I'm Bahorel(reasonable statement),3L(wtf?), member of the goddamned Law Review (wtff?), Applying for a couple non profit grants(wtfff?), and, apparently, mentor(??!!) to a kid with a really severely messed up past (okay, heroic bluescreen of death time or what?)

I HAVE LOST CONTROL OF MY LIFE! I'm getting all responsible and shit, and that terrifies me.

Send help.

Or bacon.

Apr. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Is it wrong to make a random middle of the night journey to an asshole from the internet's house so you can rearrange his face?


Apr. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Guess who (provided I don't fuck up on finals), just made it to 3L?! There's talk of making me an editor for the Law Review next year depending on class ranking too.

I'm...not sure how I feel about it, honestly, but...maybe it's a good thing. It DOES mean I'll have a lot more sway when it comes to starting up my non profit next summer and fall at least. I've looked at possibilities and started applying for grants along the way since anything will help.

The weight is lifting and the clouds are disappearing as we speak. Someday the drudgery of this will end, I'll have my J.D and, hopefully, be able to free the girls and women who I want to free. Things are definitely looking up, even if this IS possibly the last summer of my life I'll have to fuck around with all of you.

Being an adult is scary, sometimes, isn't it? But it's pretty great sometimes too.


I'm so out of the loop these days. How are you and the little ones?