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Posts Tagged: 'simon+hathaway'

May. 14th, 2023



Locked from Haytham and Siren


Is there ever a time that it is justfied?


Dec. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

I will admit that this entire thing has proven to be...weirder than I thought. In some ways, I've traded one prison for another, but in others..I suppose I'd never realized how much I took my freedom for granted before I lost it, but at least that won't be happening again.

Admittedly, my hosts have been...cagey about some things, and insist on blindfolding me when they bring me places (Mr. Frye DID offer to just take my glasses but Dr. Hastings and Master Ezio did talk him down from that one),but it still seems better than prison treated me, so there's that to keep in mind

Tomorrow, they're actually letting me recreate a Solstice ritual, since I wanted very much to properly reconstruct it, and I think a few people may actually be going to it. With any luck, some of the guests will be, well, my people, so to speak. I know they've been INVITED, so that at least ought to be something.

In the meantime...well I am HERE,aren't I? That ought to be worth something, somehow...

Dec. 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

Freedom. After nearly three years, being granted so much space, and so much quiet and so much colour is...a lot. Not to mention proper cups of tea, edible breakfasts, and the chance to shower alone. Ah, showers. I've missed the pleasure of a good one.

Much thanks to those of you who assisted my freedom and ensured I will not be charged again. And much regret, I must admit, for the things that I was pushed into, for the good of my group. ...I realise now who that one sounds like, yes.

The years inside have changed me more than I can speak. They challenged me so deeply and so throughly and caused me to search my soul in ways I had not done since my initiation and...I think I know what I must do. But getting others to agree to it...that IS the challenge.

Once upon a time, there was a knight who valued the words and wants of others far too easily, and it was he (and his squire) who paid the price. When he emerged from his imprisonment, wanting to start again, the humbled and lowly man had no idea where he could turn.

Do you have any advice, internet forum users, for what one ought to do when he would very much like to begin again?

Nov. 22nd, 2022



[Locked to Assassins, Templars, Allies, posted from Shaun's phone during a visit earlier today]

We will see how long it takes for Dr. Hastings to notice I've acquired his device here in the visitor's room, but in the meantime, accessing the internet unsupervised after over a year is...almost overwhelming. I've had messages, of course, but they've been heavily filtered and books, but books are not the internet, as comforting as they are. There IS something about free access to all sorts of information again that is...exhilerating.

That said, I AM reaching out because I may or may not be in a position to trade some of you information in exchange for a bit of help. I'd like to see the sun again before I'm forty if I had the chance, and to drink a decent cup of tea and try to properly explain myself to the people I've wronged along with sleeping outside of my rather claustrophobic little cell. I feel a new sense of appreciation for medieval monks if nothing else, so perhaps my time 'inside' is good for something beyond vengeance, after all.

That said, I'd quite love to be free of this and soon.

I don't know if there IS any sort of expedited appeal process or something else that must be done, beyond what's been tried, but, for the first time, I AM prepared to deliver...leverage. If anyone on either side is intereste...

And he's noticed I've got hold of his phone. Suppose I'll be going for now, and see if Dr. Hastings wants to talk, properly, or trade our usual barbs. With any luck, you will hear from me again