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Posts Tagged: 'cassandra+pentaghast'

Jun. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello again to all of you. I thought I'd quit this place for home a very long time ago, but the universe has much better plans than leaving me stranded in the Imperium, forever alone and eligable but certainly not able to do very much about it outside of the deepest, darkest secrecy.

The Inquisition's most attractive member has become the Tevinter Imperium's most attractive Magister, as terrible as the idea is, both in theory and in actual practice, and much as I hate to leave my faction stranded now we've found our hand and foot holds, and are going nowhere but up any time soon, I AM relieved that I am here, to brighten up your lives once more.

Dorian of House Pavus for those I've not had the pleasure to meet the last time I was tossed adrift into this roiling sea, but for the rest of you, who of my crowd's still about, and how can I improve your dull grey lives today?

Sep. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

Not again.

I was hardly close to most mages I knew, by any means, but Kirkwall was hard enough. I know what's going to happen if this isn't stopped, and I am resolved enough, I suppose, to what I have to do. But I...

These ARE friends. And some are family.

Why is it always ME?

It's a bitter end we've come to, isn't it?

If it's to be done, then Maker let me do it well, at least. Let me not cause them any further pain for something they cannot CONTROL.

Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter

Would those of you who pray help me find the strength to see things through as I prepare to take the lives that have been made forfeit?

May. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

But...where am I exactly? This isn't some kind of punishment, being sent here, is it? They USED to send girls like me, PEOPLE like me, away to horrible places for doing things like I just did, but we don't have the Circles anymore at home, right? Even if Sister Annis says that they're exactly where dangerous freaks who do such awful things belong? I mean I have too much to DO for me to have been sent away just now. I've got my lessons, and my practices and trying to get ready for the ball we're having and...

I know I did a really really awful thing, setting my room on fire. But I'm sorry and I didn't mean to do it I'm so sorry and I know I SHOULD be punished but I don't want to be taken away from anything at home. I LOVE my City, I'm Princess in training, and I mean to be the best leader the Free Marches have ever seen. I can't have mucked it up so badly all in just one go, right? They can't take it away from me now, can they?

Please, does anybody know how I can make things right? Or stop everything from burning up while I'm here now? I don't MEAN for it to happen, it just is and I'm so SCARED... I just want my dog, and then my da and my big brother. He'd know what to do with something like this, he's the king of getting into trouble.

I just...

This can't be me being punished right? Because I really really hate it already. Can the Maker help me make it better, even now?

May. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

As if this world wasn't actually messed up enough, I just tried to cast and I... can't.

Between the messed up daily reminders that I'm in a different place, and this, I don't know what I even should attempt to do.

I just want to go home...To Skyhold. That's not too much to ask, right? is it?

Feb. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

So, you wake up from a nightmare to find yourself...plunged into an even deeply weirder place?

Look, weirder than the Fade takes work, is all I'm saying. That said, if whoever's decided it was funny to file off my fucking horns and kidnap me, even when I'm wearing a staff they didn't bother taking off me wants to try their luck explaining?

You can bet I'll be all ears.

Solas? If by some chance you're here, I'd appreciate your take.

Jan. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Why is the Divine in this world a man?

Jan. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

For the love of the Maker, what NOW?
Can a man who helped to save the world not bathe in peace at least?!

Dec. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]

This... is not Adamant. Where am I? And where is Varric or Cassandra or Solas or Hawke? We all went through the same fade rift. I mean, don't get me wrong, lack of demons is nice. But where is everyone?



[No Subject]

Huh. So this sure as hell isn't Kirkwell...there is a distinct lack of Templars and Mages trying to kill each other, and Meredith's statue is no where to be found.

Pity, it was starting to grow on me..nothing quite like a captive listener for my stories. I was going to tell her about how Hawke took on a full Army of Qunari Soldiers with nothing more than a stick and a bottle of rum, but I suppose that story will have to wait.

Oh well. Bianca is here, and I'm not dead...yet...and I'm seeing a distinct lack of the Merchant's Guild here. Maybe this place won't be so bad after all.

Dec. 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

One of my hosts insists that I should use this... thing.

I cannot say I understand why.