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Posts Tagged: 'zoeya+proasheck'

Jan. 15th, 2018



[Locked from Desmond]

Literally asking for a friend who doesn't know I'm asking this. Does anyone here do prosthetics? I see there are a lot of people who have them here, so it SHOULD stand to reason someone might know what they're doing, right? And if not, how do you recruit them here?

Assassins, Templars, Hangers On:

Desmond's here, out and apparently wrecking havock on the known universe. Naturally, fetching him is up to Muggins here, but he'll be around. Be nice. He's an idiot, but he's MY idiot. Well, an idiot from home who literally saved the world, and my link to the only woman I will ever... why aren't YOU here, Becs? my actual best friend. I mean, don't worship at his bloody feet, but don't go sticking his head in the toilets either, right?

Anyone want to come along when I work out where I'm picking him up?

May. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

Guys. Got a perfect recipe for a brilliant night.

Eurovision parties. We had one on Saturday. Most awesome thing ever. Least one person was yelling at Russia to stop defying physics!

Mar. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]

I have eaten way, way too much chocolate over the last few days.

I'm just gonna blame Rythian. And the dinosaur. Maybe I should give the dinosaur chocolate

Feb. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay, this is the best Valentine ever.

I kinda wanna get a whole series of these and just traumatise all my friends with them.

Dec. 10th, 2015



[Locked From Roy]

Anybody on this thing do prosthetic hands? Know people who do? Or like...Robot ones or something?

Cause unless you're incredibly rich, every model out there on the market's kind of crappy, or slightly better than the baseline but really just okay.

Just okay''s NOT good enough. Somebody's got better out there, right? And takes installment plans/my firstborn as downpayment?

...It's WEIRD being this broke.

Dec. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

sup internet

Finally allowed electronic stuff! :D

...any of my friends want to explain the text I got from Smiffy a couple of weeks back?

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]



[At which point he accidentally hits the 'transmit voice', which just ends up in frustrated, animalistic growls as he smashes on the keyboard]

Oct. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

So, yeah, friendly reminder that Pleasure-Bot 8000 exists.

World of Warcraft man.

Aug. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

So, uh, that WoW expansion.

I might've tried to throw money at my screen. So much need.

Jun. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Are we able to shove all of them into the nearest volcano?

May. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

This... NO. I just got it back. I just FUCKING got my magic BACK.

May. 1st, 2015



Well, that hurt.

So. Um. Somethings up. Was in a sparring fight. And yeah. She uh. Well. I pissed her off. More than usual. And she kinda... tore my arm off. Now, not only does that suck, but, uh, I couldn't cauterize my own wound. Or do any other fire stuff... So, two issues. A: In the hospital, still kinda loopy and missing an arm. And two. No powers. Anyone got any help? For either one?

Apr. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

Main difference between Tara and Lollan so far: Tara didn't make me want really, really crazy things. Like, 'not on this planet' things.

Or make me do Ender stuff, but that doesn't matter too much!

Jan. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

I might be in A&E. And of all things? NOT MY FAULT!

Being ran into by a cyclist kinda sucks. My phone is being dodgy so can't text, SO TO MY KIN COME TO ME!

Sep. 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

Fuck my life I swear.

School here is filled with just as many shitty people as in my time. Cunts and twats and pricks the lot of them. I quit.

Don't care if I'm a year out to graduating, I don't want to take this shit.

Aug. 20th, 2014



[No Subject]

So I leave my own personal goddamn hell, and come into everyone's goddamn fucking hell. Well can my life get shat on anymore?

Mummy...did you see this?

May. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

So, uh. Eurovision. Best thing ever or what?

Mar. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

This is unacceptable! How the hell am I supposed to finish taking biology?! And I was at Star Burns' funeral!! What the hell is going on?!

Mar. 7th, 2014



[No Subject]

You know what's actually really, really hard? shut up, sips and sjin, i know what you're going to say

Touchscreens when you have a robot arm. Sure, it's not my dominant hand, but it's still a pain.

...Also, I have a dinosaur. He's tiny and he still needs a name and he's awesome and Rythian, I think the dinosaur wants to eat your boots.

Feb. 18th, 2014



[No Subject]

This tv thing is really interesting. I have never seen it before. But how do the people get inside?