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Posts Tagged: 'stephen+strange'

Aug. 25th, 2023



Locked from ALL his apprentices, and from Morgan

Things I badly want to make happen tonight, a list:

1. Find a way to get what that demon did to The Girl a few years ago out of her head (and actually assure her that I don't blame her for my injury back then, and that she's been more than forgiven, long ago, and needs to quit self flagilating).

2. Dispose of him myself, once and for all, or even better, let my apprentices dispose of him, with help to make it painful. I get it was a while ago, and it's not good to stir up shit, but you don't hurt my kids, any of them.

3. Remind The Boy and The Other Girl, the non magical one, that I know perfectly well when they're swapping spit in his room.

4. Door Dash Chicken Pad Thai.

...One out of four's not THAT bad, right?

May. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Do they not have courses on specialized magical creatures here? I tried to look for medical schools but they only have ones for humans

Feb. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm never actually "okay". I'm NEVER going to be "okay". I just say I am because it's too much to get into, and it's better than self pity, but let's just say I'm on enough (legit and not abused) drugs to fell a fucking Clydesdale, and that gets my pain down to around a seven, as my brand new baseline. I'll take it but I'm not "okay".

...We should really investigate the cause of these...anomalies that cause such weird reactions, shouldn't we?

Jan. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

April is gone.

I suppose I knew that it was coming to that, and that in this life I AM still responsible for her death, but still... The wishful thinking had me going along with all this too.

On the bright side, Ellie's back, but...

I still miss my little sister.

Jan. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Uhhhh Mr Stark?

Oh man. Aunt May is gonna be so mad at me.



Oct. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Locked from bonnie
A bit risky, given the last few times I've met magic users but: how exactly do I everything proof a future magic room?

Favorite halloween snack, babe?

Also. I love you.

Sep. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

My best mate snogg-


Best day

Professor Strange

Don't suppose you have any spells to make people invisible to muggle technology

Its for a good reason this time. I swear.

Jul. 16th, 2020



Voice posted

Spiraling’s a blast.

Bitter resentment and regret are SO much fun.

I’m going to be meditating in my pocket realm for a few days.

Back for the consults I’ve arranged with some of you people, but besides that, You’ll see me when you see me.

Unless somebody dying or the aliens show up. You know about the aliens.

Leave a message.

Peace out.

Jun. 20th, 2020



locked to other supers

Uh, new friends. Just a quick question

Do you ever just develop new abilities out of thin air?

Is that like...a thing? Am I sick? AM I GONNA DIE?

Mar. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone want to play some quidditch?

Mar. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]


Jan. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Being given an amazing gift, then having it yanked away again is hard.

I'm most definitely NOT okay here.

Acceptance is STILL a bitch, even now, today.

Dec. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

Today I can cut my own food.

Without magic.

And using a big boy knife and fork that's not intended for senior citizens or people with disabilities that make feeding yourself hard.

And my hands aren't red and purple.

...If anybody needs something surgical performed, I never let my certifications or license lapse...

Apr. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

Want to know what happens in the new film about some of us?

Guess who can see the future?


Mar. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

Acceptance carries with it a certain degree of grace, not giving in, or giving up, but looking squarely at the great and vast universe and what it's dishing out and...learning to work with what you've got.

There's no saying you have to LIKE it, but there's putting yourself in its hands (ironic phrasing, for ME, huh?) and bearing what there is to bear, no matter that it's getting hard.

There's peace to seek in everything, I think, but acceptance is also fucking hard.

If anybody needs me, I'll be on my plane of existence trying to make that happen, yeah?

Feb. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

Any of you lot want to play a quick game of quidditch?

Nov. 24th, 2018



Locked From Fryes

When and where does the principle of "Do No Harm" get taken over by practicality, and the wishes of your patient? Read more... )

You've got to take the risks or shouldn't bother being in medicine, don't you?

Aug. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

Blimey, muggle school is worse then potions

Jul. 18th, 2018



[Definitely a voice post today]

Well, this doesn't make today any less shitty, but it IS appropriately and darkly hilarious.

cut for image )

There are days and then there are days. There's work to do here, in the world, because only I can do it, but that doesn't mean it's not still tough as hell sometimes.

Jul. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

This is the rudest way to be woken up. Worse than Teddy's superhero dreams and I gotta look at Thor's face in my bed.