Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'james+moriarty'

Apr. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

We've been playing house for too long. It's time for a shake up. What shall I burn down?

Jul. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Sebastian never showed up this morning. He also isn't answering his phone. I don't like when he doesn't answer me.

Jun. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Funny story, I bought the building our penthouse is located in. Apparently, there's a no dogs policy and they saw me with Johan.

I may have also had Bastian threaten a few people, but who's to say.

Anyhoo - after some changes and renovations, there will be open lavish lodgings for anyone interested. And a few employment opportunities.

Jun. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

So, tomorrow is my birthday. On a day that many in the past have referred to as the Lord's day. Because you know.. Sundays, and church, and all that. Ohh, the irony.

Anyway. Happy Pride Month! And to celebrate Pride, and as it's my birthday too? Tomorrow. June 6th, 6pm. My villa [address]. Birthday Orgy! Any hot young , single or "open" gay/bi guys can come.

And then you will COME! Then I'll come. In fact, pretty sure we'll all be... coming together. ;)

May. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]


Apr. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

I was feeling adventurous and now my legs are so smooth!

Apr. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Are you all having fun yet?

Mar. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

Its hilarious how 95% of you men aren’t nearly as freaky as you like to think you are

Mar. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm feeling better but someone is hovering.

Someone distract him before I tie him to the bed in the least sexual way. But also probably the most.

Mar. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

I have a pet shark now and I named him Finn. Piss off if you don't enjoy a good animal pun. Or I'll feed you to him

Feb. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Can anyone help me with a piece of code? Generous pay will be rewarded.

Our tiger is going off to an island before some work. He suggested I perhaps do the same to avoid a burnout situation.

Would you like to join me?

Feb. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

How do you “come out” if I can call it coming out when it’s not about sexuality, or gender, but another fundamental part of myself that people ought to know? Only a few people, those who couldn’t miss what they saw know just now and some by extension, but not by name. It’s...getting harder to hide, and I’m not ashamed exactly, or worried, but it IS awkward and sort of niche and things...

Feb. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]


Feb. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

You know, the past few days have been so fun. The truth really can set people free. But mostly make them squirm and that's the part I've been loving.

Now - how does one seduce the unseducable? When I asked a friend today, they just told me to shut up and shag the person. As if it's so easy or simple.

It's becoming very complicated.

Feb. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm never actually "okay". I'm NEVER going to be "okay". I just say I am because it's too much to get into, and it's better than self pity, but let's just say I'm on enough (legit and not abused) drugs to fell a fucking Clydesdale, and that gets my pain down to around a seven, as my brand new baseline. I'll take it but I'm not "okay".

...We should really investigate the cause of these...anomalies that cause such weird reactions, shouldn't we?

Feb. 16th, 2021



I love my boss

Mrs. Yang thinks that I should “get married already, he won’t wait around for forever!”and also that I need to stop eating so fast, and my “nice lady friends need to help me buy better clothes before I go out with my boyfriend again ” because “nobody likes khakis even on a man who is very cute”.

...Pretty typical day at the Pan-Asian tea shop, really. I think I’ve found the one person this truth thing hasn’t changed.

Feb. 14th, 2021



locked from everyone [!Failed unlocked]

Bad enough I blurted that out. Over fucking breakfast, at that. Now this shite?

Fuck whatever this new form of torture is. Music and ear plugs should block everything out until it wears off, right?



[No Subject]

I’m Superman.

Feb. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Whoever decided three was a "magical number" needs to be bloody shot

Feb. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

of course he would-

Suddenly the new flat feels very much like being back home.