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Posts Tagged: 'xena'

Apr. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

This world is still extremely confusing for me.

Mar. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

What is up, bitches?

In which Mac accidentally offends half the game, at least. There are racial, sexual, and cultural slurs, stereotyping and commentary from a loveable jerk who honestly doesn't get why some words, (like the T one)are offensive, since he's 'just talking about the people as a whole'. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Seriously this is worse than letting Chris talk about the Vietnamese. Mun does NOT hold Mac's views and Mac doesn't want to offend you but to be your friend. He's got a good heart, he's just...dumb. And stuff. )

I guess I'm just, you know, looking for a friend? Does anybody want to be my friend?

Feb. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

The ale here is much improved from my time.

Jan. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

I never thought that I would be..... that I would be alone this long without Gabrielle. I really do miss her. She is.... she is my whole world.

Nov. 26th, 2014



[No Subject]

The local law enforcement is sadly lacking. Is it true that they are really shooting people because of their color? This is highly upsetting... I do not know how they can do something like this. I wish I could do something, like I could back home.

Nov. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]

*I* have news for all of *you*!

I did not intend to say anything until it was certain, but, now that it IS, I have been spending the last several weeks getting ready for, and applying, for a particular position that I wanted to work with, for an organization I admire, who were looking to expand into a European branch, specifically and...

I am now the Director of the European Division of Reporters Sans Frontières! For the last of the year, I will be working to open our physical offices in Paris, to hire interns and a few other employees and to keep things moving along as best I can. It does rather mean I will not be an editor anywhere soon, but that I am still, in fact, encouraged, more than, to continue my journalism career as well.

As I was told when the final offer was made, it takes a journalist to understand the issues that his brothers and sisters in dangerous situations face, the sacrifices that they make to keep on writing, and the incredible devotion, and compassion that makes up the bulk of the reporter's work. For the moment, we've some open cases to investigate virtually, starting after the American Thanksgiving break, since the main office will be closed, and we do not rent the office quite yet.
One small mention of captivity )

I am so excited to begin fighting again at last. The new year will be amazing. I can feel it.

Sep. 18th, 2014



[No Subject]

You know, this pizza stuff, I really like it. It's better than anything I've ever had.

Jul. 30th, 2014



[No Subject]

This world is still too new for me. Also, Gabrielle is not here, and I really do not like that. I don't like being without her.

Jun. 2nd, 2014



[No Subject]

Okay.. I think I have this figured out... what place is this?