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Posts Tagged: 'sylvanas+windrunner'

Oct. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

I shall make this offer once, as Hallow's End draws to a close.


Come. Witness the burning of the Wickerman. Paint your faces with its ashes and let those who would oppose you know you are a force to be feared. Celebrate the truth of your free will.

Even now, I am no monster

Jan. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

About time that ludicrous celebration ran its course.

Mar. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

It was posed to me today, by a stranger, but one who is familiar enough to Gilneas in sound and build, I was forced to pay attention to the question, and consider my approach to it.

Peace or Freedom. Given the choice, which one would I sooner have?

I knew my answer straight away, though there is a difference between the sort of peace one rolls over and shows their belly to obtain and a peace that gives the people the right to be free from strife while maintaining their dignity and right to live unburdened by the constraints of slavery.

And there is much that I can do to make it happen here.

Templar Lock:

I accept the Grandmaster's offer. Consider me your novice now.

Feb. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

Father? We WON! We drove them back from Gilneas, and then...I’d not give her the satisfaction of killing our KING, when I was there instead, and able to sacrifice for my people, but I had never counted on waking again, after her arrow...

Instead my death has brought me here. Is this some odd sort of an afterlife? A odd portal into another world?

I’m no longer near death, though I’m in some pain, and quite confused, so any explanation would help quite a lot. The Greymane legacy would be most grateful for your assistance.

Nov. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

One benefit to my champion leaving.

I can finally get his damned paladin out of my house.

Should anyone need me, I shall be... hunting.

Sep. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

...what is rules of murder for self defence?

I assume my sister will want words

Aug. 8th, 2018



[Locked from his Family and close friends]

I hate this. All of it. After 1000 years of knowing they were gone...

I'm here, and they're reliving everything. And I can't do anything.

Why won't this universe let me die?

Feb. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

Still no charm bracelets. It seems that tradition remains firmly in Azeroth. Thank the Light

I've never understood the appeal of such a holiday. Perhaps my sisters feel otherwise Seems tailor-made for people like Gallywix to exploit.

Feb. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]

I MIGHT have sold my soul again today. It's funny, how those rewards mean more than the state of me and where I'll end up in the end. There was once a time I might have been ashamed of that, but well I've already done it twice here. Damning yourself in service of a higher goal is always worth it in the end, aye?


I got Molloy. Working on the angel. I doubt Evie's much luck, and GOD knows we can forget her brother, and probably Haytham, which IS a shame as he's uniquely set for this. Perhaps Mercy, though. I can try it.

I may have promised him a thing we're now committed to deliver, but you lived through a revolution and I saw the beginnings of one take place. We can deliver part of a country back to its rightful rule, can't we?

Dec. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

And I thought Winter Veil was bad normally.

These... apparitions can leave any time now.

Nov. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

Whilst your world may be in peril, I welcome you all to a simple celebration.

Come attend the final burning of the Wickerman. We burn the Wickerman to celebrate our freedom, to proclaim our enduring will and power against those who might harm us.

Paint your faces with its ashes and let the world know--let your enemies know--that you are a force to be reckoned with.

I also extend wishes for a happy Day of the Dead. I won't be missing the vendors for that, nor the costumes

Oct. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hallow's End fast approaches. Seeing it celebrated here too almost warms my heart.

I find it odd that you don't seem to celebrate the Wickerman Festival. Perhaps I should take that upon myself to reintroduce.

Sep. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

It was bound to happen sooner or later, but stumbling through a trail of clothes that started in the grand foyer, past the hall, and up toward the staircase, then finding the owners of said clothing using your desk as a place to enjoy a very randomised and drunken hook up is...

I've the right to be a BIT flustered, haven't I?

Sep. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm sorry for those I scared last night, it had been a while since I started accepting the Void here.

So you know, if you see me; PLEASE DON'T TRY AND KILL ME. I have a daughter, and I would never hurt anyone that wasn't attacking first.

This is what you might see.
Cut for the gorgeous spoopy )

Jul. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

It seems my sister has been taken.

Heroes. Assist me.

Nathanos, you're with me.

Jun. 29th, 2017




So, if your family member showed up, who has every reason to hate you in the world, because you've given it to them...

It's acceptable you're pretending you're not here for a few days until you've got that sorted in your head, right?

May. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

He's gone, and I'm sent here. Is this meant to be some heaven? Or hell? Which did he get sent to... I know where we both deserve going.

He was an idiot. A too smart for his own good IDIOT. And now Hanji is commander and I'm not there to protect the brat.

May. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

God dammit I'm a horrible person. Sometimes I just really need to watch what I say.

May. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

This is... unusual. I have high feelings I might get scolded if I don't find my way back from.. wherever this realm is.

May. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

You'd think after being here longer, I'd get used to it. But seriously haven't. If anything? I'M BORED.

I know I should be thankful for all the peace... but what kind of life is it worth if you're not fighting to keep it?

How do you people cope.