Angel Grove Net

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December 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well I am bored as hell so I'm lying here watching Grace and Frankie. It's actually pretty funny. I also can appreciate the fact that I came out as bi already and I don't have to wait till I'm an old woman to do so.



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I can't.... I can't move on with my life with more books coming out. Who cares about Christian's point of view? I mean....

At least most people don't know I'm that Ana Steele.



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Does punching Santa with your stump, in the mall parking lot, get you put on the naughty list? Cause if so, it was worth it...




Please tell me you haven't been in contact with Sam.



[No Subject]

So I am reading Cursed Child and despite the fact I have read better fanfiction my son is definitely gay. He and Albus, just, wow.

Even though I would never have been with Astoria, I am still proud to be Scorpius' father.



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Baby Bill is driving me insane. He won't stop crying. I know why but even Silencio won't help.


Please, come out with me so I can get a break.

(OOC: some comments NSFW)



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If anyone has been having jewellery stolen from them, and things that keep going missing. Please tell me.



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What is this going on? I go looking for a book on what is called the internet. And now an appendage of this human body seems to have become swollen.

Tell me how to make it go away.



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I'm getting really sick of the world's leaders. The president of U.S, Russia, North Korea... How can the world let such evil take over?

I thought Talon was terrible. To be honest, I'd rather see Gabriel in charge of a country, than the idiots currently in power.

Not the queen.

She's a lovely woman. Invited my wife and myself for tea, her dogs and our daughter were far too adorable playing together.



[No Subject]

I really want to go on a killing spree. Who's with me.



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When I went for an audition, when I told them I was Carrie White, they asked me if I was that Carrie White, I signed autographs. It was so cool!

Although I didn't like the remake of the movie. It didn’t really show how insane Mama was. And now that I'm not under her thumb I know she was. I don’t miss her.



[No Subject]

Today I had to tell someone how to spell my last name. It was fun. Finally getting college applications filled out.

I turned them in and the guy didn’t really believe my name is Stilinski-Flanagan. It was pretty cool. I love being able to flaunt being married. Especially since my husband is incredibly hot and incredibly amazing.