Angel Grove Net

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December 4th, 2017



[locked from Arno]

I know full well that I am ruthless, blind to the emotional manipulation of others, and that the vast majority of humanity is happier in ignorance than to see the light of truth that shows this world for what it is. I’ve been petty and I have gladly played the game in service of a stronger truth. I am proud of my enlightenment and to do the things most of the ignorant teaming mass could never find convictions toward.

But I have not been cruel to anyone until today, and it was quite unworthy in a man of my position and my principles. Honor would dictate that I aplologize for perhaps the...third time in my life?

I do see why so many people hate it.

And, weak though it is of me, today I miss my father. I am, I think, fifty seven today, by the reckoning of when I came here, and he has been dead for forty seven of those years exactly. For the first time since I’ve ceased allowing myself to be maudlin and weep over the night have berms, I wish that suddenly I had a bit of his compassion in myself...



[No Subject]

I can’t.... I don't know where I am. I woke up...

I was covered in vomit. I need some help.



[No Subject]

I actually forgot that Christmas is a thing here, but asking someone where to get a new year tree to hang fruit from got me the weirdest looks and a joke about things in Soviet Russia that I didn’t really GET....

Since I don’t really remember Christmas, and Vlad and I never really had the money to do New Year things that didn’t involve the stuff we’d usually buy, can somebody fill me in on what you do? I mean I know the Christianity parts, but...elves? North Poles?

And the holidays that happen at the same time for people who celebrate those? Let’s say I want to know a little more, or maybe internet links?



[No Subject]

I just.... I haven't had any cases this past week or so. The break is nice, but solving mysteries is something I love to do.

Don't really feel like myself when I'm not working.



[No Subject]

I don't know if Stiles told anyone we got married, so...surprise! We've been hiding upstate, waiting for snow.



[No Subject]

Bet my Christmas tree is better than yours.



[No Subject]

Why can't holiday shopping be easy?



[No Subject]

Seeing Steve get married really made me think. Maybe I should settle down? Get myself a gal. Who the hell would want me I'm