Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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November 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

I don't know that I like it here. My entire family is here.... but that doesn't mean that I like it.

Also, apparently I'm an aunt and I'm only 16.



[No Subject]

I'm going to perform a gay wedding. My dad's rolling around in his grave, trust me.

It's Dad and Blondie though. It's been a long time since I've seen two people so in love. How could I not? And it's not hard to get ordained on the internet.




[No Subject]

There’s times I miss the man I used to be. Not the ignorance, but the innocence, and the people I’ve “betrayed” there. I don’t much need to drown things today, but I hate the butcher they made me become and the fact we once were happy, thinking we would save the world.

Being the villain in this little drama’s better than the victim, but there are times it gnaws on you, new leases on the world or not. In lieu of something desperate and destructive, does anyone want lunch and to buy decorations for the trees that seem to go in people’s sitting rooms at Christmas here? I think I’d like to buy one for my place.



[No Subject]

I bought what might be the fakest looking fake tree. And it's in the trash now.

I'm just gonna get a real one and hope Liam doesn't eat it. Should look that up. What if my dog eats a tree...

[Pack Filter]
You're welcome to come over for Thanksgiving. And Christmas. We always did a big meal back home.



[No Subject]

Okay. Rid? Ethan? Lena? I was..... Ridley and I... we just...

I'm Link. Why the hell am I here?



[No Subject]

It clicked. I get it now. I'm gonna go get a weird hair cut or something. Maybe try scratching my face next month.



[No Subject]

THERE'S A SHOW ABOUT MY FAMILY! IM FAMOUS??!! holy crap I love this place



[No Subject]

I think I'm going to add a home gym to my place. If I went to an actual gym people would freak out.

For a few different reasons.