Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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November 21st, 2017



[locked from avengers at family’s request]

When a lesson youd not known you needed turns out to be JUST what was actully ordered some place on the way to it. Now its been raised what I was doing and WHY it wasnt worthy of me, the point is more than hammered in my thick scull NOW.

Just took a little hands on applicatian for that to get thru to me, but now it has...

Back to my lessons today then, if my uncle would still teach me. Being stubborn and digging in my heals really only means I make things harder on ME, does it not now?

if you’ve ideas for repairs for your relationship with family youve been an absolute wanker too, it might help me to hear them. Ive got at least 3 of them to think over today.


Thanks for showing me the point big brother. i do want to make something bigger of my life. holding me to it, hard as it can be is better for me than not. May Not have said last night when you dropped me Home, but I am grateful you took the time to demonstrate in a way I could understand to help me see I need over the rough patches.



Locked from Sam

Sam's.... he's.. he thinks I don't know. He's using demon blood again.



[No Subject]

I don't know what to make of this place. I wish I did. I can't go to college like I was supposed to. Apparently my application wasn't accepted in this universe.

So what the hell am I supposed to do?

Jackson Tanner

You want to hang out?