Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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November 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm going out. I'm getting drunk. This is the time for someone to be able to join me if they so choose.



[No Subject]

It's not animal cruelty to use birds for target practice when they're clearly attacking (or about to attack) people on the street.



[No Subject]

Hello hermiting until I beat the new Call of Duty. Not that it'll take long, but...

[Richard Grayson]
Bring snacks and we can kill some zombies.



[No Subject]

If I hear one more sad thing on here, I swear...



[No Subject]

I destroyed a mug earlier. I'm not antsy or stressing about Stiles no



[No Subject]

World's goin' a bit nutty again, huh?

Which part's worse off? I got an itchy trigger finger.



[No Subject]

I.... I don't know where my husband is and I can't leave my house. Can someone come? There's something out there...

And I can't stop having panic attacks.



Voice Post to Network

[Insert TONS OF STATIC NOISES, and various crackling in the background]

"C'n you....."

[there's another loud burst of static and the phone seems to have dropped out for a minute.]

"...hear me now? cell reception's crap but we're okay in...."

[The phone drops out again for a while.]

"Probably don't have long in case it goes out. Battery and no one's got a charger. But we're.... inside's like a BUBBLE. So uh, Thor, you're my best guy, Tony, you're handling things amazing right now, Barton...keep up what you're doing. Buck....sounds like I don't got to worry about YOU, but I'm thinking about..."

[More static and a lot of barely heard sounds that aren't quite words.]

"Okay....I'm gonna go. Uh...keep the faith, guys. We're trying something from the inside too."

((OOC: If you want to be IN the blob with Steve, let me know and we can log!))



[No Subject]

For those keeping score, I'm healed. No more cancer. I'm doing great.

Bruce Wayne

So... Acid asked me to marry him. I'm moving in with him today.