Angel Grove Net

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July 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

My doctor told me to get a dog to help with my therapy... the one I picked out was... he was sick and I had to pick another.

It required more medication.



[No Subject]

Did you know you can get kicked out of your assigned court community service for being a "disruptive, corrupting influence on the young people"? They also have this strange, entirely correct, idea, that I'd con the old folks, so I can't go read to them or clean their houses or whatever it is you'd do with them, and they were pretty sure I'd shoplift from the Goodwill. I mean, probation's KIND OF got my number, and they're slowly twirling the any of you even know the kind of phone I mean? "Good" Russian ones?

Anyway, this weekend, they decided I probably couldn't corrupt animals, so, it's the dog gulag for me. Not that I've ever LIKED dogs, or even tolerated being around them, and I met the bane of my existence here.

pic cut )

They're calling this thing Pooka, and it's the most irritating animal I've ever come across. I've had fights with rats, literal rats, and pigeons who annoyed me less. Don't let the big eyes fool you, this mangy, hyperactive mutt is going to be the death of me, I know it. I mean, I guess it's technically an orphan, but I've known plenty of those I hated too, dead parents aren't some kind of get away card, no matter what species you are, right?

It's going to be a long time repaying whatever debt I "owe" society with this yappy thing biting at my ankles every weekend and afternoon. Do any of you want to come adopt it? Now?

((OOC: Pooka from the animated Anastasia film, translated to a real life dog, just to get on Dmitry's nerves. No one come get it. Its following him home someday and taking over. Unless we get an Anya and then SHE can deal with it, lol. ))



[No Subject]

Getting into a fight so didn't help....



[Locked From Glee Cast]

And he held the torch that sparkled like the gypsy's voice, and he knew it was the moment he must make a choice...

Phoebus lyric, not a Quasi fits right now?

Thinking about the auditions for Hunchback again, and I'm... probably the most selfish asshole in the world, but I'm at least going to go TRY. IF it happens, things can work out then, and if not, it's one day, maybe a COUPLE if they want me for callbacks.

I just...can't spend my life wondering how the chance might've gone. Explaining it after...I can worry later. I mean there're probably ways, if they're willing to have me, to work out the rest.

Sometimes I hate how selfish and self indulgent I actually am.



[No Subject]

I got a gig!!! Since I don't have a band yet I'm going solo. Does anyone want to play a few songs with me?

Payment will be split as evenly as possible.