Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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July 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

If my calendar is right, and the timeline's not completely screwed up for me, which HAS happened, coming back a day or two off schedule from my visits to other places, America has an occasion that calls for fireworks arriving in two days.

Just saying, I could help with that.



[No Subject]

The irony of America celebrating freedom from tryanny in a day and age in which a tyrant rules, not from across the sea, but from on her very grounds, the heart of all that makes her what she has become, is hardly lost on me.

...Is a templar knight allowed to say these things? Perhaps not, under normal instances, but one who worked to make the nation seems likely to have earned the right.



[No Subject]

Today's the day we actually declared independence in America, you know. Do any of you kids from here remember that?



[No Subject]

[Hexed private to any magic users]

Anyone up for a few games of Quidditch?



[No Subject]

I GUESS I'm spending some of tomorrow with Babymama so we can talk about why I left, if there's any way to make me safe to be around the kids, since I'm not feeling like I am EVER going to be again. I mean the effort's maybe going to keep her big brother from murdering me on sight? But...I just don't TRUST me anymore, you know?