Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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December 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Last week was very... enlightening.

I wonder if this universe can pull out any more surprises before the year ends.



[No Subject]

Right, so Christmas is coming!Best time of the year.

I'm feeling generous so...who wants to make a deal?



The Gospel According To Mac

What is UP, bitches?

Actually, Hell with it, I'm the one with something up. I've got news for all of you, so gather round, children and let Father Mac talk to you, seriously, about the shit that's gone down in this community lately.

Everybody comfortable? Super. Let's begin. We'll start with a couple alleluias and everybody standing up, looking at the cross and thinking about the guy whose up there and the fact that he decided he was going to give himself up because we're a bunch of shitty sinners. Okay? Everybody done that?

Thanks kids, now, let's get real so we can talk about the uh. Gay Issues floating around here, and how God probably feels about it all, okay?

A Reading From The Gospel According To Mac:

TW: Frank discussion of homosexuality, hate crimes, religion, some accidentally offensive labels because this is Mac )

The Word of the Lord.



[No Subject]

At the risk of sounding a bit cliche, what does everyone want for christmas? Seeing how's practically around the corner and all