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Mar. 2nd, 2021



This place again. Well, there are certainly worse options.

Kind of glad I missed the snow. Never been a fan of it.

Luke, are you still around?

Feb. 28th, 2021



I should never have complained about the snow outside.

This is much worse.

[Filtered to Squall]
So. Ifrit is not happy.

Feb. 23rd, 2021



» network | four

all this running around and stuff folks are doing just reminds me of those dumb cartoons, you know. the one where those guys are trying to catch that pigeon that's just delivering letters or some shit and the guys in planes wanna get 'em? and then they did that whacky races thing with the cars cause attacking pigeons in planes was suddenly a bit much?

now you gotta learn shit when you watch tv.

Feb. 22nd, 2021



We sure this Percy-the-talking-dog is just a regular (talking) dog and not one of our residents who's been turned into a dog? Only a) I know for a fact that happens, and b) pretty sure I met a Percy who doesn't seem to take kindly to anyone's authority but his own, so...

Texts accidentally sent to Megaera )

Feb. 21st, 2021



Anybody know if Night Vale has any pick up leagues? I think I'd like to try playing some kind of sport again.




"There has been extra noise inside the Last Resort lately so I've taken to spending more time outside. I prefer it outside, if I'm being honest. There are fewer door handles and buttons to deal with.

If anyone was wondering I have also determined some of the best places to nap outdoors in Night Vale. If you prefer to nap near the Last Resort, for example, Aerith's garden is an exceptional spot."



Well, I've had no success replicating items from home. I just think we don't have the material we need to do so.

Maybe I can work on a plane next? I miss flying.

Are there any scientists of this time I should be reading their works on?



You know what I want? Ice cream and a good beach and a book. Oh and sex. I guess ice cream by the pool will have to do.

Harry Potter people + Friends
Wotcher people. Come hang with me. It's boring up here.



Working for the Children's Science Museum is incredibly different to being in Starfleet but it's been amazing in a really surprising way. Oh, it's not at all challenging, captivating, dangerous or weird which is what I thrive in (one of the reasons I joined Starfleet) but watching the children learn and discover science reminds me of a time when I was doing the same. I hope many go on to become scientists.

Starfleet Members
Is everyone going okay? Does anyone need anything?



» network | hope van dyne

Oh, thank god. I really thought I was going to be half an inch tall for the rest of my life.

You guys really shouldn't swat at flies you know, some of us are just trying to get a hand to fix a busted size modulator.

Feb. 14th, 2021




So I Started Blastin'

Gabriel / Percy
"Getting shot wouldn't kill him but it was totally annoying."
Room 1407| Low
Read more... )

Feb. 7th, 2021



[Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III]

First of all, you have the best names. Dude it's like... seven names and a number combined? I only have one. Doesn't even compare. I bet you have some kind of title too, right?

I've heard through the grapevine that you're some kind of wizard when it comes to guns. A man in a place with actual wizards that chooses to make and use guns. Do you realize how bad ass that is? Because it's pretty friggen bad ass.

I'm Gabriel by the way. The Archangel. Maybe you've heard of me? I don't know what the pantheon is like where you come from but -- I mean I'm not trying to outshine you. Like I could, even. Just, you know, if you need literally anything I can get it for you. More ammo? Supplies? Maybe? I've got you man.

Feb. 5th, 2021



Either this is not the Garden, as I hoped it would be, or God seems to have a very strange sense of humor.

Feb. 2nd, 2021



Okay...the whole world hopping thing is really starting to get tiring. It's like, I can't stay in one world for a whole year before I get yanked somewhere else?

Right. Anyway.

My name is Ochaco Uraraka. I'm seventeen years old, and I'm originally from Japan. I'm a first year student at UA Academy in my world, where I'm in the Hero Course. And this is the...third world I've been pulled into? Well, technically, it's the fourth, but I was in the first one twice. I was in a place called Tumbleweed, Texas, for a little while, then got sent home, then back to Tumbleweed, was there for about another few months, then got sent to a place called Vallo, was there for almost a year, and now, I guess I'm here.

A couple of questions:

  1. Do I need a guardian because I'm a minor? In the last place, I didn't, but I did in the first one I was in, so I just want to ask to get that out of the way.

  2. Is there anyone named Rogue here? Tall, auburn hair with white stripes, speaks with an American Souther accent, has a three year old named Anka Irene? Granted, she might also be here and not know me. That happens a lot in places like these. So if I act like I know you, and you don't know me, it's okay, I won't get upset, I'm used to it.

  3. I'm going to assume that there's housing here for displaced people? Where do I sign up for that? Also, school? Is there a local high school I can attend, or is there some sort of program? I'd like to continue my education.

  4. How often to weird unexplainable things happen here? Like, random monsters showing up because of magic or people just randomly becoming little kids? Also, do you go on any yearly cruises to other worlds, sometimes in space?

I think that's it for now.



Maybe it's just a thing for some people on the coast but I remember how crazy my mom used to be about Groundhog's day. Every year she wanted to know what that dumb groundhog had to say. I used to think it was so lame but now I kind of miss it.

I saw there was a movie about it and I watched it. Not bad. Kind of makes you think though. Here's hoping we don't get stuck in a time loop?

[Nancy Wheeler]

I know there are probably going to be more than a few things going for Valentine's Day but what do you say we set aside at least some of the time for you and me? Movies, dinner. The whole deal? I thought I should plan early.

Jan. 30th, 2021


Network | Cara Dune

This city is way more upscale than Nevarro ever was. But then I guess you don't get regular raids or Imps trying to grab your people and resources on the daily. That ought to help.

Which reminds me: let me get back there, whoever it is who's keeping me here, I have work to do.

Jan. 28th, 2021


Network | Cara Dune

Great. This is great.

Jan. 25th, 2021



[Poe Dameron]
So... I don't know enough Jedi words to explain this better.

But I think the force is like... upset?

ETA: [Force Users (Light/Jedi)]
Can the force be broken?

Jan. 21st, 2021



Okay, I've gotta ask with all of the llamas running around...no one's seen a woman named Yzma, have they? Tall, really wrinkly, wears a lot of purple, like almost more than I do? Turning people into animals, especially llamas is kinda her thing.

...Or it could totally be her son, Zevon. He's a bit of a jerk like that.

She has a daughter, Yzla, but last I heard from her, she was trying to do the whole good guy thing.

Anyway...just a though.



Well, we're having an eventful week here in Night Vale. It would seem, and we don't want to jump to conclusions here, that many of our residents have turned into llamas. No one is quite sure the cause of this incident, but this reporter would like to announce that this is possibly the most adorable problem Night Vale has had since that time a beagle puppy that was also the lord of hell nearly enslaved the entire town with its army of Strangers.

No word yet on how to solve this problem, or if there even is a solution.

In other news, City Council is disappointed to announce that this month was a failure of the "None of the New Residents Went Home So You Get a Pizza Party" contests they never told anyone about. The following new seem to have gone back through the portals and - presumably - to their home worlds this week:
• Aziraphale
• Crowley
• Helen Richardson
• Kurt Wagner
• Matt Murdock
• Ruth Aldine
So, that's a bust. It's a real shame. A pizza party could have been really nice. But maybe the City Council will institute more secret contests in the future.

carlos & dana.
I just want to pet all the llamas. They're so fluffy.

But also this is probably a somewhat serious problem.