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Jun. 8th, 2021



I do not seem to be the only one affected, but tis quite odd (and a little disturbing) to know even my strength fails against these cuffs. Tis not something that often happens.

At least the company is nice. There are worse fate's then being tied to one who has one of the keenest warrior minds I've met in a long time.

Jun. 1st, 2021


This is a hallucination, right? I'm hallucinating.

Or... or is this Magnus? Look, I know I messed up with Raphael and I'm sorry but I can't fix it if I'm stuck in my head. It's awful in there right now let me out just let me out

May. 30th, 2021



The plants were fascinating, to be sure. Frustrating and deadly yes, but also fascinating.

I would have liked to have been able to study them. It's a bit of a shame they vanished they way they did.

I hope you came out of all of that alright.

May. 29th, 2021



Since it was such a success this month, for June, Fight Club will be hosting another tournament, this time sponsoring the Night Vale Animal Shelter. Although the main event will be happening later in the month, date TBD, I'm taking sign-ups starting now.

Additionally, next Saturday, we will be taking over the NVCC's gym for our first theme night: anyone interested in learning or practicing with bladed (or blade-like) weapons, come on out.

May. 27th, 2021



You know, sometimes I wish my family could see me now. Izzy would take one look at me not needing closure that this whole plant thing wasn't a sign of the apocalypse or some kind of fae downworlder plot... yeah, I think she'd be proud that I'm...

... relaxing?

That might be the weirdest part of living in this place, how the weird stuff starts to not seem that weird.

May. 25th, 2021



Any chance anyone's managed to get a cutting from the thing?

For science.

May. 23rd, 2021



backdated to 5/22

Friends! I have fought the plants all that I can, but I fear it is time to leave this place. They are like the tales of the hydra, where you cut them once it seems they grow back many times over.

If anyone else is mounting an escape, I will come to aid you. Take only what you must.

May. 20th, 2021



If you have any supplies, medical or otherwise, that may be of use during this current crisis, please let me know. I'll be collecting whatever I can gather in hopes of getting it inside.

Alright, everyone please check in.

May. 17th, 2021





"fancy a drink?"
the station -> ? | RATING: low? | drinks
Read more... )

May. 16th, 2021



It's wonderful to see so many young people going out and meeting, flirting, dating. I wish you all the best of luck. It's a beautiful thing to see everyone doing, enjoying and taking new chances. Take as many chances as you can, all of you. Enjoy every moment.

I will wait for him forever, no matter the loneliness.

I eagerly await our next fighting night! Perhaps next time I will take that first place rather than the third.



» network | eros

I hate all of you. You people are terrible at just Why can no one just

Well that was ... a thing.

Next time I have an idea like that, please smack me over the head with the nearest heavy object.

[ KORE ]
I know I was being dramatic last night, but thanks. For the blankets. And cuddles. And not asking about the unmitigated disaster that trying to get mortals to date each other is.

[ MOM ]
Just to give you a heads up...

I'm going to quit being a Love god. ❤️💔



Does anyone have experience with making ghosts fuck off?

May. 1st, 2021




Too much shit happens here.

Apr. 29th, 2021




If you're looking for me, I'm either buying 40 bags of marshmallows or eating them all with Slimer.

Might need my stomach pumped later, it's been a while since I've gone on a Stay-Puft binge.

Apr. 27th, 2021



At least I'm not the only one?

This so isn't funny.

Seriously, pink. Everybody. Couldn't be blue, couldn't be green...? Pink.

Apr. 26th, 2021



I'm starving. Moon is like that though. Hungry and... twitchy, like, you know?

I'll go and find a steak, I reckon. Night Vale ought to have a good steakhouse.

Apr. 25th, 2021



I had a dream of my beloved last night. We were in Elysium, laying beside the River Lethe in one another's arms, knowing we might forget all but each other. I would risk it all, memories of adoring crowds and victories, for just that one moment like in my dream...

I can't say I've ever been quite so angry to wake.

If anyone is interested in hand to hand combat training, I'll be looking for sparring partners.

Apr. 24th, 2021



Oh! Oh! The egg hatched.

Tom! Our egg child has hatched.

It's a little bird. And it's gold. Which makes this officially the only gold I value.

Still feel like all money belongs in lakes, but that's not important right now.

What's important is the power of love. And also birds.

This is the best day of my life.

Apr. 15th, 2021



Network | Jim Holden

Did something drug the water? Or maybe the air?

I guess my real question is: what's the normal level of weirdness for this place?

Apr. 10th, 2021



I must admit. I'm rather curious as to whether anyone has any theories they would like to discuss as to the purpose of these eggs that we're all finding. Origins are likely not to be divined considering they just seem to appear and anything that could get past my security measures, but their purpose is quite another matter entirely.

Is there not some type of human mythology about rabbits hatching from eggs? This seems a rather round about way to provide people with pets.