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May. 31st, 2021



Don't make any plans for this evening. It's been awhile since we had a sit-down dinner as a family, so I'm taking over the kitchen and we're having one.

No objections.

Yes, I know who's going to object and I'm not hearing it. Be there.

May. 30th, 2021



» network | brooke maddox

Okay, I'm bored, traumatised and sore. My boyfriend is fetching ice cream and there's fuck all I want to watch, so I'm sitting here trying not to think about the plants trying to attack again.

So, Night Vale, it's time for some pre-college intrigue. Fuck, Marry, Kill. You say you're in, I'll give you three Night Vale transplants, you pick whom to fuck, marry or kill.

You are welcome to get in on it yourselves, this is officially distraction central.

May. 26th, 2021



Thank God that's over.

I never noticed before - are there any hotels or motels around here?

May. 23rd, 2021



When this is over, I'm taking up gardening just to have the satisfaction of killing plants, since these fuckers won't die.

Everyone doing all right? I'm holed up and running low on ammo. For what good it does.

May. 21st, 2021



Pretty insane chaotic weird on my end, but all is well for me, Cas and DJ so far.
If anyone needs help in here, let us know.

[Dean and Cas]

DJ is probably the perfect size snack for a plant I saw earlier, so I'm keeping him attached to my body like he's a third limb. Cas - the other one, found me and DJ a few hours ago so we're all together. We can't get out of here, so I doubt you can get in but I'm sure there are tons of ways and people to help out there if you want to.

May. 10th, 2021



Network Post | Violet Parr

Oh wow...okay he's really cute and all but this is WAY too much responsibility.

For anyone whose egg hatched into this it's called a Mogwai and it's VERY VERY important that you follow these three rules!

1. Don't get them wet.
2. Don't expose them to bright light.
3. Don't feed them after midnight.

May. 9th, 2021



[Og Castiel]

Hey, remember the other day when I asked if we could talk later? Feel like talking now?

May. 8th, 2021



[Backdated to right after Fight Club]

I lost both of my fights, really badly, to really good fighters, but I had a good time and I hope both of you did too.

Looking forward to next month if it happens again.


Can you heal me while I whine wordlessly at you?

May. 4th, 2021



Porgs and Ewoks on May the 4th. Night Vale, you get me. Kinda makes up for the smelly egg incident.

Pretty sure this porg is trying to make a nest in my flower box.



So... this is the afterlife, huh? I was expecting something a little less desert-y.

May. 2nd, 2021



[Winchesters, Gabriel, (og) Castiel]

I have a babysitter if any of you feel up to going out for dinner and some drinks. My treat.

Apr. 24th, 2021



I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to take care of a bird. On the plus side, naming my egg didn't turn out to be the worst idea I've ever had. Zeppelin is actually pretty awesome. It's pretty rare things like this work in my favor.

If anyone needs help getting rid of whatever hatched from their egg, I'm around and pretty handy with that sort of thing.

Apr. 20th, 2021




Is it really not a Samifer?

EV!Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester
"Because of course it wasn’t Sam"
Sam's Apartment | PG-13 | 3/22/21
Read more... )

Apr. 15th, 2021



I feel like I haven't slept for days, probably because I haven't. It seems like every time I shut my eyes DJ has a nightmare and screams me awake. I keep thinking... all the bad things but I'm relieved that it just seems to be bad dreams brought on by a creepy scene on a cartoon he was watching. Anyway. Night three of that tonight, I'm hoping it's out of his system and nothing else happens.

Hey Cas, how's the new job going?

Apr. 8th, 2021




[Sam Winchester]

You know Samsquatch, if you wanted to get laid all you had to do was ask. The lilies were a nice touch, though. I'm impressed. Have you bee researching you big nerd? Also -- have you put the kid down to bed yet?


Hey there. We haven't really been properly introduced but I'm sure we've passed at parties. Gabriel. Love what you've done with the place for spring. Top shelf gardening.

Anyway, I may need your expert advice concerning flowers? I haven't really used my abilities for much other than destruction or mischief in a long time and it's been a few centuries since I've done any gardening. Figured I'd ask the resident expert before I went overboard.



Delivery to: Gabriel

@ work )



So does anyone know what we're supposed to do with these eggs? Are we supposed to keep them warm or something? Mine has kinda just been hanging out in the hood of my sweatshirt while I worked.

I named it Zeppelin.

[private to Winchesters and Family]
So, the bunker has been cleared and it seems to be good for moving in. Anyone is welcome.

[private to claire]
Hey, kid. I was thinking, if you want, we can find a car for you and I can teach you to fix it up?

Mar. 30th, 2021



[Both Dean Winchester's, Adam Milligan and Castiel - separate filters]

Just checking to see how you're doing.


So. My rugrat's down for the night.
What are you up to?

Mar. 26th, 2021



Hilarious. Give a man a burnt out husk of a car, that's just hilarious.

Unrelatedly, who is hiring? I know my way around a cash register and an engine block.

Mar. 25th, 2021



network | Maria Rambeau

Amazing that this tech I'm holding was just barely in the works inside some choice minds back in my day. The jumps that were taken are incredible.

There's a whole lot I have to get used to, that's for sure.

Speaking of, is anybody working on a way to get everyone home? Any updates on time-travel, while I'm asking?