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Sep. 2nd, 2021



I was kind of hoping that the fight club would be good for some therapy. Turns out I am really only good at fighting one asshole in particular..

But I never got along very well with my therapists back home. I never could get them to believe me and it's hard to be open when you always feel invalidated. But maybe it's time to try again. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.



Honestly glad that fear bullshit skipped me over

I finally tried Taco Bell. It's terrible and also I want ten more tacos. What the fuck?

Also I'm married now which...what the fuck?

Thanks for all your help with everything. I really couldn't have done any of that without you.

So, Mr. Steel, how are you liking this whole being hitched thing?

Aug. 24th, 2021



[Squall + Quistis ]
I know you don’t like to celebrate but give me credit for holding it in the day of.

Let’s go do something Birthday Boy. Don’t make me force you. I’ll get you balloons, I swear.

If that doesn’t have you shaking in your boots I’ll leave it to Quistis.

Aug. 12th, 2021



Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I’ve had it marked on my calendar for months but I still can’t believe it’s almost here.

I know this isn’t home and I know it’s just my paranoia kicking in but I doubt I’m getting any sleep tonight.

[Horror Kids Club]
Might be a good idea to have your favorite weapon ready just in case Night Vale decides to toss that hockey mask wearing revenant dick head our way. I know it’s probably bad ju ju just to say it but better safe than sorry.

Aug. 3rd, 2021




Read more... )

Jul. 31st, 2021



Trying to find enough bands to have a battle of the bands is proving harder than I expected. I knew the weirdness of this place made it a little offbeat but I figured there would be at least a couple of people with bands.

It was so much easier back home.

private to the teenagers of Night Vale
I think we should throw a party on the beach before it disappears again. I can't cook, or should cook, but one of us has to be decent enough to work a bbq grill? It could be fun. Music. Maybe a bonfire?

Jul. 30th, 2021



Good afternoon.

I am Arcturus Black, son of Licorus Black. I appear to have developed a terrible habit of falling into peculiar realms of existence beyond the ordinary world. I don't quite know what to make of it all.

If I may turn to practicalities:

If anyone encounters my cousin Regulus or aunt Cassiopeia, please do tell them that I am here. Aunt Cassi especially will worry dreadfully.

I am magically protecting and reinforcing the room that I have been given. It is on the seventh floor. If anyone would like any of the muggle machines or electricks they shall be left outside the door. I have no use for them and it is rather wasteful to destroy them when there may be muggle paupers here who would appreciate them.

I would very much like to write to my father in London. Is there somewhere I can purchase magical ink and paper to do so?

Yours &c.

Arcturus C. Black

Jul. 17th, 2021




Alright everyone get your shit together.

This is my one weekend off of summer camp and there's a beach that doesn't have a weird pants-less God.

Jun. 1st, 2021



You guys definitely know how to keep things lively. I step away from the lab for family stuff and plants invade.

If you have clippings or anything like that, please either dispose of them or I will come and take them to do that.

Private to Cecil and Dana
I'm wondering if maybe we should set up some sort of monitoring post at the whispering forest

May. 12th, 2021



Seifer's ice bat thing has been following me around since it hatched and making weird noises. I think it imprinted on me or something.

It's kind of cute in a horrible way.

I guess I need to name it.

May. 4th, 2021



Porgs and Ewoks on May the 4th. Night Vale, you get me. Kinda makes up for the smelly egg incident.

Pretty sure this porg is trying to make a nest in my flower box.



filtered to Star Wars folks

Has anyone else woken up this morning with a curious new friend beside them?

It’s not the eggs hatching.

Though I suppose this Porg did technically come from one.

May. 2nd, 2021



[Winchesters, Gabriel, (og) Castiel]

I have a babysitter if any of you feel up to going out for dinner and some drinks. My treat.



You know, I reckon things are just about alright around here.

Having decent work and not needing to track down assholes all the time is a nice change.

I had a real nice time the other night.

Seems like Arthur might be pulling his head out of his ass at long last.

I thought that man would be oblivious forever.

Thank you for the help with the dress. It was much appreciated.

Arthur said you're the one who helped him. I've been meaning to thank you for that.

I was wondering if you might be willing to come along some time and help me figure out how people dress in this day and age. If I'm gonna adapt, I could probably use some help.

May. 1st, 2021



The longer I'm here the more I just get used to this place. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good thing but it is what it is.

There are a lot worse places than Night Vale.

How have you been feeling?

We can work more on your control if you want but you seem to be doing pretty well. I think the support system is really helping.

How are things at the temple?

I actually have a student of my own now.

Apr. 29th, 2021



john & abigail.
I think I might be a moron. Worse than I normally was. Gotta double check. But I definitely think I am.

Hey. So. Question. Back when you were talking about having loved two men in your life, and you'd lost both of them? Were you... talking about someone before Jake, or did you mean m someone that died after?

Cause I've been thinking on it. And I think I might have missed something?



You know, April is usually a weird month. What with April Fool's day and Easter and all of the other religious stuff that goes with that. And it always turns into this battle of when it's good to go out and not. And while that was definitely less of an issue here, there was just a whole other brand of weirdness I wasn't entirely prepared to comprehend.

Why are Yoshis real? Like Chocobos I get. There's Final Fantasy people here, for fuck's sake. That's to be expected. But... Yoshis?

I really hope May gives us a bit of a breather.

Apr. 27th, 2021



I suppose this is what I get for avoiding so many of the side effects of this place for so long.

I never thought I would say this but I think I may actually prefer the glitter beard to the top to bottom color change.



Chocobo start showing up and somehow I don’t get one. And now I’m pink. Cool.

So what are the odds on this being permanent? I’m surprised Night Vale didn’t go for purple.



