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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4inactive:+ray+stantz'

May. 25th, 2021



Any chance anyone's managed to get a cutting from the thing?

For science.

May. 20th, 2021



If you have any supplies, medical or otherwise, that may be of use during this current crisis, please let me know. I'll be collecting whatever I can gather in hopes of getting it inside.

Alright, everyone please check in.

May. 16th, 2021



Does anyone have experience with making ghosts fuck off?

Apr. 29th, 2021




If you're looking for me, I'm either buying 40 bags of marshmallows or eating them all with Slimer.

Might need my stomach pumped later, it's been a while since I've gone on a Stay-Puft binge.

Mar. 23rd, 2021




Midday Misunderstandings

Ray Stantz / Joe Miller

The firehouse | PG
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Mar. 22nd, 2021



Ghostbusters and friends, minus Miller

Please tell me there's something big to investigate today. I need a distraction before I go file name change forms and make it official that I'm Holden 2.0.

But that implies that I'm an improvement to the original, right? So maybe not 2.0.

Let's go try to guess the Obelisk's name, who's with me?

Mar. 21st, 2021



All of this spontaneous plant generation reminds me of the multiple high-altitude rockfall and, of course, the mass sponge migration. Have I ever mentioned that one?

The sponges were moving inches under direct observation. It was, to say the least, pretty cool.

Feb. 14th, 2021



[Ghostbusters+ (SOs, assistants, etc)]

Update your rolodexes, I'm moving. In. With Miller. #506 at the Last Resort in case you need me.





"a quote or something goes here"
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Jan. 26th, 2021



💛 Okay. Colorful sweat is a thing here, I guess.
💛 Anyone else just have the weirdest but most colorful jog ever?
💜 It's seriously messing with my color scheme though.
💜 The hearts were cuter before it started happening to me




[Billy Kaplan, Dana Cardinal]
Okay sorry about that llama thing. I seem to be back to normal. Where were we and how can I help?

[Ray Stantz]
Hey! Sorry I kinda ghosted you on the job after you hired me as a volunteer but I got turned into a llama so yeah. Anyway, back in action, ready to go when you need me!

Jan. 20th, 2021



Katie Bell

Odd thing today, my boyfriend is a llama. Can you bring your wand?



[voice recording]

Yeah, typing with fucking hooves ain't fucking happening.

Uh, anyone else wake up a goddamn quadruped this morning?

Steel, I'm taking the day.

Jan. 19th, 2021



I'm launching an investigation into the existence of the Night Vale Clock Tower. Does it exist? Is it truly invisible and constantly teleporting like they say it is?

Oh yeah and I've decided to go into the dog park.

Jan. 14th, 2021




I have a scientific theory for you.

Jan. 6th, 2021



LOG: venkman + stantz


"The more time they spent in Night Vale, the more it felt kind of like home. A quieter but weirder, version."
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I don't know about anyone else but I'm having a really, really amazing week. My car came in, so I've been working on her. Has just the right amount of mechanical repairs needed to keep me busy. Reminds me of the first time, back when we first opened up the Ghostbusters. So in other words, it's perfect.

Things are just going really well here. I'm going to go check out the Obelisk soon, see what the readings on it look like, see if I can get it to say anything. I won't try to guess it's name, don't worry.

Jan. 4th, 2021



Alright, 3 days later and I'm curious.

New Year's Resolutions. Who has them and what are they? I've resolved to be nicer to people. Yes, Peter, even you.

I have acquired a hearse and also a place to go if we ever need a spare. Keys are on all your desks.



filtered to friends of dob. BUT NOT CORAZÓN.

SO HYPOTHETICALLY. If you, say for example, accidentally got locked in a closet at this whole year end celebration with your friend. Who is very charming and handsome and impressive. And then things happened. Kissing type things. That were nice. But also confusing. And then you remembered you had a spell that could get you out of said closet and neither of you spoke of it again. In that very hypothetical situation, how long would you need to run away and live in a cave in the woods before it was no longer weird?

All hypothetical. And also asking for a friend. Who is certainly not me.

Addendum - Maybe this friend doesn't entirely not want to kiss their friend again but is worried about the implications for their platonic friendship. And also worried they may have misread things and what happened was entirely platonic and they're overthinking it.

(ooc: if you think you're Dob's friend? Congrats. You are. He's a friendly guy.)

edit: added filter to corazon.
Just...out of curioisity.

Was the other night meant platonically?

Jan. 3rd, 2021





"a quote or something goes here"
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