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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4inactive:+violet+parr'

May. 10th, 2021



Network Post | Violet Parr

Oh wow...okay he's really cute and all but this is WAY too much responsibility.

For anyone whose egg hatched into this it's called a Mogwai and it's VERY VERY important that you follow these three rules!

1. Don't get them wet.
2. Don't expose them to bright light.
3. Don't feed them after midnight.



My. Egg. Is. A. Gremlin.

I didn't even know they hatched from eggs?


Would it be too cheesy of me to name it Gizmo?

ETA: [Dean Winchester]

Hey, did your car just randomly show up or something?

May. 2nd, 2021



Violet & Reggie
RATING PG (Mention of character death)
Reggie plays and Violet takes a break.

Read more... )

Apr. 29th, 2021




Is anyone way slightly worried that their egg hasn't hatched yet?

Like is this a case of the worse ones going first? Or am I going to end up with something vicious? Jesus, I need more wine.

Apr. 21st, 2021



» network | marta cabrera

Of all the things to find in my kit on my way home an egg was not top of the list.

I opted to get a small basket for it instead with some blanket for insulation. Has anyone worked out what they're for? Or why they're here?

Apr. 20th, 2021



[Text Message to Peter Parker (MCU)]
-- hey!
-- remember when we talked about the eggs?
-- https://i.imgur.com/Q0DmnMu.png

Apr. 16th, 2021



» network | bubbles

Oh crap. Oh crap. It was just suppose to be a tiny tornado. Oh crap. Oh crap.

Um. Excuse me. Oh crap. Anyone seen my sisters? What about the Professor? I'd settle for Professor. But only if everyone can agree that the tornado wasn't me.

Apr. 15th, 2021



Network Post | Violet Parr

At this point, I feel like we need some kind of punch card for weirdess.

Maybe that'd be a good promotion for some of the shops around town.

Speaking of weird, did anyone else find interesting stuff earlier this month at the Easter Bazaar? I found a jigsaw puzzle of my family, and I'm nearly done with it. Just need to attach those few last pieces. Trying not to think about how much it sucks they aren't here. I'm thinking of keeping it together and framing it somehow.

Apr. 13th, 2021



[MCU Avengers + Peter's Friends & Associates]
((If you think you're Peter's friend you probably are but you can always just reach out to me and ask))

[...] So um.

I think there's something weird going on with Tony?

Apr. 11th, 2021



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ | steve harrington

Without a bunch of kids to cart around and work not being super far, I can't really justify having a car here.. but I still got some wheels, finally.

Not the greatest, sure, but it was cheap and it gets me from A to B. I mean... hopefully.

Could definitely use a better paint job.

Mar. 29th, 2021



If you're cursed to die by an ancient sea spirit and you get dragged to another dimension in the desert against your will, does it cancel it out or just speed it along? Asking for a friend.

It's me. I'm the friend.

Hi, my name is Nancy Drew, and this is maybe the third weirdest thing to happen to me this week.

Mar. 26th, 2021



I'm thinking of reading people's cards again. Seems like the season for it. New beginnings and all. Not sure if that's anything anyone here would be interested in, but I used to do it frequently enough.

Plus I'm getting a bit bored without the constant adventure. Might as well find a way to pass the time.

unpleasant one.
So, you've been quiet lately, which isn't your thing.

Something on your mind?

st. john.
Just thought I'd check in with you. How are you settling in?

pink + purple.
Your friend does good work. At least, I assume all the color is your friend.

Mar. 22nd, 2021



network post: reggie peters [002]

Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never

Mar. 21st, 2021



» network | marta cabrera

The change is... rather settling.

For anyone who is curious, the Willow offers a very good cover, there's plenty of space to sit with a book, and the shade is very nice.

The thread bracelets are a nice touch.

Mar. 20th, 2021



Network | Violet Parr

Have you looked out your window or seen outside today? It's absolutely stunning out there! I wish I could spend the day outside, but I have to go to work.

For those of you that are able to, definitely, go out and enjoy the day! And stop by Pinkberry to say hi and get yourself a delicious treat.

Mar. 18th, 2021



I freaking hate snakes. There aren't any parselmouths around are there?

Feb. 22nd, 2021



network | Aubrey Little

You know what I've never done? Build a sand castle. And I had that sand castle song from How I Met Your Mother stuck in my head for most of my day and then I realized, now there's all this sand here, I've got nothing to do and I'm going to grab a gallon of water and build a dang castle. Anyone wanna come with?

Feb. 13th, 2021



Five | Violet Parr

I just realized it's going to be so weird that my parents might not get to see me graduate in a few months.

Speaking of, I'm still not sure what I want to study in college. I know at my old high school, they tell you that you have to have everything figured out before you graduate. Is that actually a rule, or are they just full of shit?

There are the sciences, but I have a hard time going beyond that because I'm interested in different fields. I will say that Physics and Astronomy are my two favorite classes, obviously including English Lit.

Feb. 6th, 2021



This is...different.

Also, sorry to the person who gave me this thing who I almost punched and was still willing to show me how to use it. I was definitely a little shocked at being dragged here, so my first instinct was to just attack and then ask questions. Not always the best choice.

Anyway, hi, I'm Suki.

Ok, I'm pretty sure dimension travel wasn't on the list of things to happen to me today or anytime soon...

Hi, I'm Kamala Khan and I'm new here.