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Posts Tagged: '-player:+ally'

Aug. 17th, 2022



Does anyone else feel like they've completely forgotten how to make friends and be a person?

Last group of friends I made, I made because my husband got shot and I found him in my backseat. It's not really a transferable event.

Aug. 16th, 2022



Oh no.


Please. Send me back. How can I keep them safe from here?

El’s arrival was accompanied by a fairly large psychic pulse.

Aug. 10th, 2022



If anyone is looking for a job, newcomer or not, we've got some openings at the Roadhouse.

Waitstaff, a cook, another bartender or two and some more bouncer wouldn't hurt. We've never run a bar before but we're doing alright.

Anyway, come see us if you're looking for a job or just a place to drink.

Aug. 8th, 2022



As charming as this place isn't, I was in the middle of something.

Lord Vader will not be pleased to learn that something has kept me from our plans on Laecor.




Aug. 7th, 2022



...Uh, How is everyone?

This is Christine Chapel, Starfleet Medical officer.

I'm trying to find anyone else from the Enterprise that has found themselves here - I've found Spock; I'd love to know if anyone else is here. I'm not really sure I know where to start.

*Any Starfleet officer, any time/series

Aug. 5th, 2022



Network: Peggy Carter

Well, now this is not where I expected to end up after waking up this morning. Captain Peggy Carter, looking for anyone else who knows me.

Jul. 30th, 2022



This is better than the box, that's for damn sure. Those angel things are some really weird fucking supes, though. These apartments kind of remind me of the Playboy Mansion, only with a disgusting amount of purple. Is there food here? I'm fucking starving.

Jul. 29th, 2022



I do not have time for this.

There is too much to be done. Who knows what other planets are at risk from Arishem and his Celestials. Who is in charge?



network | alice quinn

To all the newcomers: welcome to Night Vale, where bizarre is the norm and purple is going to haunt your dreams.

I'm Alice.

If any of you are magic users, I would love to brainstorm some things. Primarily, what sort of force holds Night Vale together, and where it originates.

Jul. 28th, 2022



I am a close friend of both the captains and several of the other Avengers. They are not going to be happy I was kidnapped. So someone, please send me back.

To, at the very lest, save me from the lectures

Jul. 26th, 2022



001 || Public Post

Captain's Log Possible Stardate: 2265.819

As the result of some strange personal and temporal rift, the origins of which remain unknown, I have been transported to a strange planet and unfamiliar place. The technology here is both perplexing and new, while also eerily familiar. As of 0800 hours, I am yet to locate any of my ship's crew, but if they or anyone familiar with the USS Enterprise sees this message, I hope that I will be able to make contact.

The air here is heavy here, thick with a dry heat and if my tricorder readings are correct, low levels of radiation, and the shadows seem to fall at different angles than the position of the sun suggests they should. The night sky is also peculiar, filled with both recognisable constellations and those that I've never seen before.

I don't know if it's the atmosphere, the density of the clouds here, or something else - but too many of those distant, previously uncharted reddish stars seem to blink and...follow you.

Like eyes.

I've never seen anything like it.

Jul. 25th, 2022



Network | Sam Anders

Is this Earth?



Network | Diego Hargreeves




Network | Zoya Nazyalensky

I've been stuck in a metaphysical desert before. I don't appreciate the reminder.



Network | Steve Harrington

So is this Nevada?

Jul. 22nd, 2022



Lee, if this is a frakkin' joke, I'll kill you.

Jul. 21st, 2022



Okay, this is really not cool and that wasn't a comment on the fucking weather.

Jun. 24th, 2022



This is certainly a strange new place. But I suppose he did bid me travel and see more.

I am not well pleased with the abruptness of my departure from the Source, nor what followed, but this could be worst. At least I remember

Jun. 20th, 2022



Well, shit.