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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4inactive:+darcy+lewis'

Feb. 20th, 2021



Network Post | Aphrodite

Given how many of your romantic lives appear to be in absolutely dire straights, I thought it might be beneficial to all of you if I were to offer myself as a resource.

Individuals and couples both welcome. I will accept payment in cash, credit, couture fashion, precious metals, gemstones, and other lesser sacrifices on a sliding-scale basis.

Aphrodite's Curriculum Vitae )

Feb. 11th, 2021



» network | wanda maximoff

[ magic users + technology types + housing assistants ]
So, a while ago, there was the idea of a 'welcome packet', to help people adjust as they arrived. They're available in the lobby of the Last Resort now, if you're wondering.

But I'm noticing that not everyone gets there first, and some people maybe aren't used to this and panic a bit. What I'm wondering is if there's a way for magic and technology to maybe go together so that a digital message can be imposed on new devices as they appear in Night Vale with the person, giving the basics, an introduction and point people towards more information?

I think it might lower a new resident's stress levels and potentially reduce confusion.

If any of you have ideas?

Feb. 7th, 2021


Any future people know how to create a holodeck?

Have any of you seen Fandaral? I went by and didn't see him and he's not responding to my messages.

Feb. 6th, 2021



We have had another influx of people so, hello! I am Zelda, one of the Housing Assistants and thus very happy to answer questions alongside my colleagues (those being Katie Bell, Wanda Maximoff, Kate Bishop, and Darcy Lewis). A quick run down of the popular ones:
1) How did we get here?
We are not sure but we are looking into it.

2) How do we get home?
While it is true that some of us have returned this does not seem to be voluntary, so it does not appear like we can.

3) What do we do for money?
We have a list of businesses we are happy to offer you, and will help you draft letters to.

Now for some updates. Us Housing Assistants are busy with a variety of projects, one of them being lessons. I, as I am of a world that does not have this measure of technology and is more centered around magic, am happy to provide lessons on the modern world. I will let the others chime in with what they offer.

Another project is our very own clinic. I am happy to announce we have secured the finances for a building, and supplies. Katie reached out to the healers, and if the healers would be kind enough to provide us a list of supplies that would be wonderful. Do not worry, and let me handle the budget. On to another matter. We shall need a name for the clinic. Feel free to suggest one and whatever works the best is what we shall use.

The other projects are still in progress, so please keep an eye out for those. If you would like a listening ear, I can always be found at 1211.

[Arthur Morgan]
How are you feeling?

Hello! Speaking of projects I am wanting to host a very informal lunch, just so we can all meet one another in a setting that might feel a little relaxed. You are, however, very good at throwing things like that and it is always best to consult with experts on the matter so I should like to know if you would be up for helping me in this matter?

[Cheryl Mason]
Hello, we have not spoken much, which I hope to change, but I made you this. I hope you like it.



This is...different.

Also, sorry to the person who gave me this thing who I almost punched and was still willing to show me how to use it. I was definitely a little shocked at being dragged here, so my first instinct was to just attack and then ask questions. Not always the best choice.

Anyway, hi, I'm Suki.

Jan. 19th, 2021



What the fuck is this now?

Jan. 16th, 2021



Shit, it's a mess out there. I was waiting for this place to remind me of the earth I knew, but that needle went way too far in the other direction of the scale. Baltimore would get a few inches but this is more like feet.

And just me and nothing to do. Plenty to drink, though. Anybody in the Last Resort want to play a drinking game? I haven't heard from Numbers since that night when we



Network | Valkyrie

I did not stock up for this. Bollocks.



I've never felt so displaced and at home at the same time.

Jan. 15th, 2021



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ

Anyone else surprised the snow isn't purple or something?

Love the snow, but the past couple of days have sucked for ice cream.

Any way.

Sledding. Tomorrow. That hill right before the forest - which I'm pretty sure is the only hill in Night Vale? Be there or be square. Hot cocoa after.



All this snow is brilliant. It's not enough to make a proper snow house though, like you see in films and that, but I've been trying. I've got five snow bricks so far, but if you know where there's any good pile ups let me know. It's a little tricky with all the sand.

I figured I'd make a list of important things I've learned about Night Vale so far.

1) Leave the Erika's alone.
2) They're not very friendly in the record shop.
3) There's no dogs in the dog park and that counts wolves too.
4) Buy an umbrella.
5) You'll still miss your mates even if you've got new ones.

Jan. 14th, 2021



Network Post | Sam Wilson

Well, shit.



Network: James Potter [01]

It's snowing!

You might say yes, James, it IS snowing, thank you for pointing that out. We can all see that it's snowing. But here's the thing you may not know about me - I LOVE THE SNOW.

Also, hello to everyone here in Night Vale. I woke up this morning and realized I had failed to introduce myself properly. Especially because my arrival here was bloody jarring and I'm still trying to figure out if this is just some gillyweed-induced hazy mind trip or not.

Right, on to the introducing: Name's James Potter.

Jan. 13th, 2021



» network | wanda maximoff

So it seems like we've lost Kara among the latest disappearances. I can't remember if anyone was keeping track of these things or not. I'm sorry to her friends for her loss.

It does leave us something of a person down with the Housing Assistants, so I thought maybe I'd bring it up for everyone to know what we're doing.

Your Housing Assistants at the Last Resort are myself, Katie Bell and Zelda. We're always available if you have anything you'd like to ask for, anything we can accommodate you with, settling in, and we're doing our best to greet everyone as they arrive just so that the settling into Nightvale is as easy as it can be for people.

We're also putting together ideas to help encourage everyone to get to know each other. I hear communities that work well together are the most successful. We're looking into different avenues to make things easier, but I don't want to say too much in case they don't hold up to planning.

So you can probably guess that it's a lot for three people to do, especially with how fast our community seems to be growing. If you'd like to come on board and help out, we'd love further assistance, and if you have ideas for how we can further help, please feel free to let any of us know, and we'll see what we can do.

[ Peter Parker ]
I need some podcast recommendations please. I'm kind of striking out on finding anything really good.

[ Mando ]
I stress baked a lot, so I left some coffee and walnut cake for Grogu by your door. There's plenty if he shares, and some coffee. Being a dad to a wandering little one must be tiring.

[ Poseidon ]
So, when are you going to take me out to tell me all these stories?

Jan. 11th, 2021



[Marvel Filter]

Well folks, it looks like the Avengers Mansion is now... on main street?

I'm going to do the sensible thing and move in immediately. Y'all are welcome to do the same if you want to. No pressure.

But keep in mind that tomorrow is Taco Tuesday.

Jan. 10th, 2021



I am not certain what has happened here, but I do not believe this to be Valhalla.

Apologies to anyone who has seen me in my current state. I do not wish to be of alarm, but I am in need of some assistance in possibly mending my armor.

Jan. 9th, 2021




Jan. 8th, 2021



Stardate 47634.44

As I previously mentioned, I've decided to organise a hub of cultural sharing, where people can voluntarily submit information about their world's history, culture, tech or whatever they'd like. Obviously, it's impossible to fact check this information, so it should be taken with a grain of salt - but I would appreciate if everyone who contributed did so in good faith, and to the best of their ability.

In addition to the information archive, I thought it might be a good idea if items from people's worlds were kept by the organisation in the event of their departure. These items can be pledged to us (to only be collected upon someone's disappearance) or donated - and they stay in our storage banks until they're reclaimed by a person once - and if - they reappear.

[[OOC: This document is editable to everyone, and there is a link to it on the Member's Page. "Information" submitted to the Organisation would become publicly accessible, but please be sure to double-check with individual players about what they would and wouldn't know based on submissions.

This will also allow for the items of previously played characters who've had items from home-delivered reclaim those items. All of this is voluntary and no one needs to participate. If you have questions, just discord chat me ]]

Jan. 2nd, 2021



Network: Barbara Gordon [01]

Not what I expected to have happen today, but then again, I shouldn't be surprised. Shame the weird is spreading outside of New Gotham though.

Hello, name's Barbara.

Jan. 1st, 2021


