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Posts Tagged: 'tadgh+molloy'

Jul. 15th, 2022



[Locked from Enjolras]

How do you make up for it when you forget your apprentice's birthday? He's not remotely upset, but it bothers ME at least.

Did anyone ELSE know it was Enjolras' birthday? Do we wanna do weekend drinks and pretend that was the plan or...

Jul. 14th, 2021



[Assassins, Templars, Allies]

Enjolras has been with me two years exactly, today. I have watched him grow and advance, and develop his skills accordingly. He has ALWAYS had the proper mindset required of the brotherhood, and the cool self assurance and ability to do what must be done. He is self contained, and has an impressive level of discipline and self control that I have long admired, and is collected, poised, and able to handle anything with an easy grace, even the most dirty and disagreeable of tasks. He's developed physical skills to go with that maturity, and now, today, I want to state that he is ready.

I'm putting his name forward for graduation. Consider this an official notice.

It's also his 20th birthday. Do with that what you will.

Sep. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

found online )

...Proves protestants are that much closer to Hell...

Aug. 26th, 2020



[SO locked from Shaun, Desmond, Evie]

My mate may have inadvertently ruined someone’s life.
What ages does duty of care apply to, legally?

Aug. 10th, 2020



[Locked from Shaun, Desmond, Evie, Arno]

There are times action, foolish as it may seem, becomes the option.

...audentis Fortuna iuvat.

Mar. 29th, 2020



casually locked to any criminals

Do you ever just miss blowing things up or killing a public official?

Because I'm having an urge.

Mar. 18th, 2020



[Assassins, Templars, Allies, minus Enjolras]

So, yesterday's job, things got a little...banjaxed on my end, and Enjolras took over.


His response was dead on, don't get me wrong. He managed bloody perfectly, and made a tidy job of it, I don't mind saying, but...

Ought I to be disturbed or quite relieved he seems so unaffected by the fact that he so casually made the killing blow, collected proof and trotted off?

That level of collectedness, despite the fact he had to do it in a crowd, the fact he handled it so well, so quickly and so CALMLY...When he's not been at this a year...

That's a WEE bit terrifying, right?

Jan. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

The bat is gone


Dec. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

My apprentice is better than YOUR apprentice!

In all seriousness, I'm proud as hell of Enjolras and the progress he's made over the last six months. He's shaping up to be not only a fierce and competent fighter, but, most importantly, as a good man. He's always been fantastic, but I really do scarcely believe how far he's come. The differences are remarkable and impressive and I'm so GLAD our leader asked me to be the lad's big brother now.

...Maybe I'm not the shite teacher I thought I was.

Sep. 23rd, 2019



[Locked from Enjolras]

There's a method to my madness, and it's paying off. I don't think anyone's ever actually sat my apprentice lad down to lance the wounds before, or explained what martyrdom means. It's not so simple as he seems to have thought, and the infection's POURING out.

I'm not ENTIRELY sure I'm the one who ought to be doing it alone, but then, I AM the one of us that's been in similar. Even Arno can't boast exactly the same course of actions, can he?

I think I'm making an assassin of him, yet. More importantly, he's healing and I see an end in sight and it's been good for ME. I hate admitting Fawkes was right but...

Fawkes was right. I've seen the healing I need to, and how to get it. How weird is that, exactly?

Sep. 18th, 2019



[No Subject]

It's not kidnapping if they're an adult and you're the boss. That would be an executive decision, wouldn't it, now?

Mar. 17th, 2019



[No Subject]

Paddy, you ignorant fucks. It’s Paddy.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, but I hate all of you today.

Mar. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

Easter's going to be bloody amazing this year, and I don't THINK any of you know about it yet.

Haven't mentioned this to you lot, but I'm Sinn Fein's representative at the Commemoration of the Rising at the GPO this year. And reading, more like reciting, The Proclamation. Part of keeping myself in decent standing for that means I OUGHT to keep myself in check on Paddy's day if I can get some help with that this weekend. I don't think they'd take that away, but having a bloke on the news who was arrested reading Pádraig's words...

I owe him, and Ireland the keeping my temper for just one weekend as I see that. Anyone want to help me with all that? Something better to do than heading home and getting up to shite?

It...really matters here and now, is all.

That said, there's things I'll deck YOU lot for if you cross lines on that day as you ought to know better by now...

Mar. 6th, 2019



[No Subject]

When you're stopping by the church to get your ashes and you're sick all over the priest's feet because of everything you've done the night before. Told him I had flu and got a glare and a raised eyebrow, just like near every other person in the church, aside the mothers and the tiny children.

Lent's got off to a fantastic start.

Jan. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

A social media news site, that I'm not going to go and name the name of, you know of which I speak's decided to share some photos of the troubles at home. Noble goal, right?

Then get the name of the bloody town right.

It is DERRY. Precisely. it is FREE bloody Derry. None of this Londonderry shite.

The people who'd call it Londonderry are the bastards I most relished killing, who needed to get the FUCK out of my country and stay the fuck out.

Is it racist that I hate most English? Some racism is more than okay, and more than your right but a matter of justice. Ugh.

Those of you I AM okay with know it. Those of you not involved in all of that, I'm fine with too. But anything else, there's nothing else to do with my life is there?

Derry. Get it right.

Sep. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

There was some woman who turned my name into a verb. Apparently it's because of what I did at the prom. They drove me to it!

It really upset me.

Sep. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who knew crime novels were so good? They weren't this good in the 80s.

And Burt Reynolds died! I feel like I just saw Smokey and the Bandit.

Aug. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

tá mé míshásamh

Jun. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Amazing how often someone’s mouth will break his nose.

Time for me to cut my Ulster visit short, but you should SEE the other blokes.

Mar. 18th, 2018



[Posted about four am on the 18th)

IN bealdfst. Neeedse a bail pleze? Asault with giant shanrock infttlat..infat...blow up and didnt escape. Helsps?

Told em I'm tim murphtsy if they ask that nad you come have the punds to pay back rite away. cant teeell assasshole mentard because hes a eejit about this stuff but...

matbwye need sober to. mising smasss todays i think.

((Ooc: Tadgh's unintentional ableism isn't shared on my part))