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Posts Tagged: 'stiles+stilinski'

Jul. 25th, 2021



Blocked from Derek Hale.

I've made a huge mistake. Derek's kind of hot and it's RUDE. I mean, he's always been but I've never been around him like, all the time so I could deal with it. Plus, I was definitely just some annoying spazzy high school kid to him so obvious I never said to his face - still haven't btw but he TOTALLY KNOWS. People stare at him all the time. possibly me included

Should I move out? Like, find my own place maybe down the block or something? Provably slim chance I get so lucky but...

Jun. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

i think its time i started lifting weights gain some muscle and see if i can wear trousers that dont belong to my little sister or cousin. no to mention stamina.

anyone here a jim person? Or wiling to be my workout buddy?

Jun. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

So, tomorrow is my birthday. On a day that many in the past have referred to as the Lord's day. Because you know.. Sundays, and church, and all that. Ohh, the irony.

Anyway. Happy Pride Month! And to celebrate Pride, and as it's my birthday too? Tomorrow. June 6th, 6pm. My villa [address]. Birthday Orgy! Any hot young , single or "open" gay/bi guys can come.

And then you will COME! Then I'll come. In fact, pretty sure we'll all be... coming together. ;)

Sep. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

So this place has werewolves too?

Tell me more.

Sep. 3rd, 2018



[No Subject]

Um where is my husband?! I need to talk to him. One of my favorite wrestlers died....

It's not fair.

Jul. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

I'm going to start working at a museum and I was a sad that my name badge said Lucas so I drew a cute little slime on the back of it. On paper, of course.

May. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

So they still haven't found the guy or guys who robbed us. It is so infuriating, since they weren't doing anything about it.

Other than my husband, the only thing keeping me calm is fanfiction. Gotta say, it really cheers me up reading about Dean and Cas banging.


Can you bring home some lube? I really need to be with you.

Apr. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

So..... today has been a horrible day. First I come home to a ransacked home....

And second, the cops don't want to do anything about it because I have a husband. So what if I have a husband?! My place was still broken into! Maybe I should call Nancy Drew.

Apr. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

I got a tattoo of a little tiny jellybean. Yesterday. On my foot. Seriously.

Feb. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

My.... my insomnia hasn't been this bad in awhile. I have my hot husband to sleep next to.

And yet, I can’t sleep.

Jan. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

Well I suppose this year could be worse. That’s how I'm choosing to look at it.

And Dean Winchester, happy birthday. You and Castiel are really cute together and I’m glad I get to tell you happy birthday.

Dec. 31st, 2017



voice post;

[It's loud. He's very clearly at a party. And Acid is drunk enough that his words are a bit slurred. ...He kind of sounds like he's tapping into his mother's Irish accent.]

I love ya Brandon. I got lost. [To which he's disappointed and you can almost hear his pout, but wait! There's more!]

Stiles! Where's Stiles. Sti. Hey! [...Acid is tapping the microphone.] No look likes. Jus' m'husband. [More tapping. It sounds like his words are trying to be whispered now, but he's basically shouting.] Find me an' fuck me. Daddy needs a good dickin'. [Brief laughter that cuts out.]

Dec. 28th, 2017




Baby... it happened AGAIN. And it's that guy we argued about when we saw that movie.



[No Subject]

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do. Where am I supposed to get my orders from

Dec. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

I hope I didn't wake up Stiles with that nightmare
I'm extra tired today.

Dec. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Today I had to tell someone how to spell my last name. It was fun. Finally getting college applications filled out.

I turned them in and the guy didn’t really believe my name is Stilinski-Flanagan. It was pretty cool. I love being able to flaunt being married. Especially since my husband is incredibly hot and incredibly amazing.

Nov. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

It clicked. I get it now. I'm gonna go get a weird hair cut or something. Maybe try scratching my face next month.

Nov. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

For those keeping score, I'm healed. No more cancer. I'm doing great.

Bruce Wayne

So... Acid asked me to marry him. I'm moving in with him today.



[No Subject]

I destroyed a mug earlier. I'm not antsy or stressing about Stiles no

Oct. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Reading a gay sex scene while listening to Bolton's When A Man Loves A Woman is hilarious.

Dean and Cas fucking backstage after Dean's band played, it was so hot and so hilarious at the same. Try it sometime. With your gay couple of choice.


Baby. It gaves me ideas.

(OOC; This was an actual thing that happened. Not on purpose, either. LMAO)