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Posts Tagged: 'kurt+hummel'

Sep. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

I never shared this last week, but meet my new "girlfriend":, our fantastic Zoe! On a show it's already hard not to lose my shit performing every night because it's so...everything I needed in high school and found with Glee, she's definitely one of our more amazing new people.

It's WEIRD but completely awesome seeing how talented these KIDS who make me feel so OLD are. I have the BEST job ever, seriously.

Jan. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Oh my God. Oh my God. I have my memories back. All of them. Dear God I feel nineteen again.


I love you. I love you I love you. Where are you right now? I need to bang you into next week.

Nov. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

Do you know what I love? Air. And the sun. They're both pretty amazing things. And being able to breathe and think about going home and...

Okay, so. Giant mech set off an EMP AND managed to trap the entire cast in the recording studio for DAYS without power. What else did I miss now that we're free?

Sep. 29th, 2017




Kurt... I had to tell Quinn about Finn. It was awful.

I need to cut loose... get drunk.

Aug. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

Kurt.... I just... I remember a lot of stuff.....

But I just found out I have a brother.

Aug. 27th, 2017



so far, so good!

Rehearsal Highlights For The Week:

1. Fell off my ladder into the arms of my very attractive, and similarly attached, costar while we experimented with blocking for the Court of Miracles. I always DID like Clopin best in the cartoon. :P I'm not saying I'm going home to have dreams about him obviously, but maybe about my husband in the that weird?

2. I'm pretty sure my spine is shot. Learning to walk like a hunchback has its downfalls. Anyone here a chiropractor? I'm probably going to need it.

3. Fell again. This time into my very talented elder statesman of a costar who I'm learning quite a lot from, but apparently not how to balance very well.

4. Okay, so I'm getting better after a week of crawling around and trying out the big set pieces but... I'm pretty sure I'm going to need some actual climbing lessons, to make it look better. Does anyone here teach that kind of thing?

5. I'm SO happy I'm back. It's like coming home to be back here. I'm so excited to see where we'll get this run.

...But seriously, my SPINE. If someone could realign me, that'd be great.

Jul. 22nd, 2017



[Locked from Castmates]

So. Update?

Auditions have happened.

Callbacks have happened.

My agent just called ME back because a castlist has happened.

I'm not necessarily saying anything to anyone until that goes public. Outside of anyone who's on a need-to-know basis who I have to figure out how to tell, but this community? Safe enough.

IF everything can get worked out...I'm kind of going to be Quasimodo.

Jun. 29th, 2017



Private to Kurt Hummel

Kurt..... I haven't checked in in awhile. I'm sorry about that. I know I should be doing more...

How are you and Blaine? What can I do?

Feb. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Some time ago, I offered to hear confessions and grant absolution in the name of blessed Andraste, and while I am not comfortable with that anymore, I am offering my services as an adviser and listener if there is anything on your minds. I promise not to go religious nutjub on you, but I do have experience with this sort of thing, and I am here.

Just as an offer.



[No Subject]

We're super early in the run, but long enough I've started racking up great stories if you want to hear some super awkward, super hilarious stuff the audience only sometimes notices.

Soo. Friday.

Start of Act Two, we've got most of the ensemble hanging around, dressed in ball clothes, the stage is filled and my Marguerite and I are making our entrance, when suddenly, I notice there seems to be something stuck on my shoe. Once you're in character, you try ignoring that, so we kept going through the blocking, even while we've got some people trying not to lose their shit.

And then, I notice people dancing near us trying to avoid the area around me for whatever reason. When I finally had the chance to get a look at what was going on, I'd somehow gotten toilet paper, a HUGE trail of it, stuck on my high heeled shoe, under my stage wife's skirt and it took a bit of tugging to get it kicked away and free, at which point, no one's making face contact with if they can help it.

Luckily, being Sir Percy, in his all of his fop glory, and not the Scarlet Pimpernel in the scene (Spoilers? Damn) I sort of even pulled it off. We got yelled at during notes about being really careful from now on, but seriously, funniest day I've had this run, I'll keep all of you updated as stuff goes on, even when I'm trying NOT to die.

Jan. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

Whooo has the most brilliant husband in the multiverse, a dashing sense of style and two thumbs?

That'd be me!

Seriously, my husband, who is super smart, super sweet and pretty amazing, is finishing up high school after all the craziness involved in the timeline of him getting here and I am so, so proud of him.

Baby, you're amazing. Seriously.

Nov. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]

Meeting broadway famous people is still this THING I'm not over, even when they're actually your replacement, you met them in passing at the opening party because they're married to your director, and they're hanging out to review stuff before their run kicks off.

We're going into my last two weeks of Mark, and I can't believe how much the time has FLOWN. This time last year I was getting ready to audition, pretty sure I'd land up as a random Bohemian if I got anything, and NOW...

I still can't believe how AMAZING this show has been, the people that I've met, the stuff I've learned, the crazy table dancing accident adventures, and how AWESOME my cast has been. We're all still together until Saturday, at which point, people start leaving the run. I've been so lucky to get to have most of them in my life. They got me through missing Blaine like crazy, and were all so EXCITED for me when he turned up, and for my wedding...

It wasn't EXACTLY like high school or anything, Glee was something that you just CAN'T do again, but we're a pretty close knit group of crazy people who learned together, and you can't replace that easy. I hope my Bounders and I end up the same when I start Pimpernel next year.

In the meantime, I'm organizing some awesome stuff to DO while I'm off, since I want that to be a thing and spend as much time with my husband as I can. We've got a lot of time to make up for and adventures to have, and all the rest of things. It's going to be AWESOME.

I'm still gonna miss my new gang though, a little. Thank the flying spaghetti monster for twitter, huh?

Nov. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]


Oct. 19th, 2016



[No Subject]

So the Scarlet Pimpernel announcement's up on the internet and everywhere else, and I can FINALLY tell you guys what I've been wanting to since I got the call.

When my Rent run's up, I've got a vacation, finally time to spend with my husband, including which still feels incredible to say and write, by the way, because we're absolutely perfect together, even when we're driving each other insane, which I am REALLY, REALLY looking forward to, and THEN, THEN, starting in the New Year, I'm starring as Sir Percy.

I get WIGS. And about fifty costume changes. And to play with a guillotine. I can't believe I'm really here. It's like I'm walking on air!

Aug. 18th, 2016



[No Subject]


Aug. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

Kurt? Are you here? What the hell is going on.......

Aug. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

It's been a while, internet. And I've been busy. But I do bring funny stories that involve pain and embarassment for people who aren't you, you'll probably at least sympathy laugh for me, right?

So, guess who went down during La Vie Boheme last night? For some reason, if it's not you tubed already, to my abject and utter horror, I overstepped a mark and wound up on the ground, and, well, long story short, I made it through the show but had to skip stage door to go and get an x-ray, and, longer story short, my alternate's on through the next four days, since I'm a great big idiot who's not allowed to weight bear until then.

What's going ON in the world since I checked in last? Anybody dating anybody (because hell, am I not ready), wrecking any havoc, doing generally amazing things? Somebody entertain me, please?

Dec. 21st, 2015




I am VIBRATING. I have been vibrating for about an hour since I got the call from my agent and it hasn't gone away and isn't stopping yet, and oh my god, you guys. GUYS. I don't...

Mark. Mark. Mark.

MARK, you guys.

I'm going to play Mark. I'm crying. I'm actually crying. A year ago, everything was awful and I thought things were never going to be better again. They're still...I mean I'm not DATING any time soon, or looking, after I lost my one great love, but I still...

I think this is good for me, all around, you know? Not sitting around being sad, though I'm probably going to do a lot of that too. It's been an okay year after everything. The worst of my life, but I got through it, kind of.

I do wish my dad was here, so I could tell him all this stuff. I don't think I've stopped wanting that since Blaine . But...

Focuses help. The show must go on and I'm going to embrace my inner bohemian and DO this if it's the last thing I do.

I''s okay to be excited, right? I mean it's BIG. It's gonna be my actual broadway debut. I don't think I'm gonna sleep tonight AT ALL.


Dec. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

At the risk of sounding a bit cliche, what does everyone want for christmas? Seeing how's practically around the corner and all

May. 16th, 2015



Viva la guerra, viva la revolucion, viva whatever it is.

Well. Focusing on the good today, because I think he'd want me to.

It felt a little soon but I tried out for something anyway, didn't get a callback and figured I didn't make the cut, but then I got a call today they'd wanted me right away and were trying to get through the others before calling ME back and...

Guess who will be appearing as Molina, a role originated by Brent Carver, in the new off broadway revival of the 1993 Tony Award Winning Musical Kiss Of The Spider Woman?

They said I had a "gravitas" that sold it. I didn't dare let them know WHY I had it, but I guess it made my bars of "She's A Woman" sound a bit better and sold them. I'm...this will be good for me, I think. Maybe the good days will start out numbering the bad soon?