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Posts Tagged: 'joly'

Mar. 6th, 2014



[No Subject]


She will not use a teething ring, she just throws it to the floor and continues crying.

Fuck my life.
She also does NOT like the cream cereal. Like at all.

Voici mon facilement agacé petite fifille:
Cut for picture )

Feb. 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

Say hello to Olivia Beth Dashing( 4lbs 2oz and 13in long), And Benjamin Elijah Dashing (4lbs 8oz, 15in long). Éponine is still exhausted, they were born 7:07am and 7:26am this morning (8 weeks early, the little things). Ben was born first. They have to stay in the hospital for like three weeks, so does Éponine. I can be contacted through text as I am not going to leave their side. They even have a larger bed we were moved to that we can share. I am so happy to be a dad.
Cut for image )

Jan. 26th, 2014


[No Subject]

This is a thing that happened while Jolllly was assisting at the hospital last night.

Cut to spare player's pages. Not cut for characters )

My little girl is making certain I am quite the proud papa indeed. ...Also the papa who has to explain this to the other papa, who is slightly like to panic that we've done this.


Jan. 21st, 2014



[No Subject]

Aaaaand here comes some more crazy.

This universe is something else.

Jan. 1st, 2014



[No Subject]

I highly approve of this celebrating of the New Year.
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[No Subject]

Bonne année et bonne santé!

The Englsushf is: HppyNEw yaer of course and happys happie new yer to this commune!

We ares at the pub wish Barrel and Jehan and even Jolllllllllllly has declined to frown at me for drinking. Barrel did have to break up three fights and got a little bruised but remained victor in the end. So this is what his job cosigns of. So far it has been a very good evening. Lot's of dancing and kissing and the party bus will be taking us home in a few hours.

The new nw year is...

i really really like it, actually. If only we still had a few of the pope we miss most in this world but it IS a lot of fun regardless. Ian glad we went out after all, and my luck seems to be hlding firmly.

maybe, finally this YEar will be a change?

Dec. 29th, 2013



[No Subject]

So Xephos and I managed something
Cut for image! )

Dec. 22nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Anna? Anna?! Where are you?

This is not a game. We are not playing hiding and seek again, not little girls again.

Kristoff, is she with you? What has anyone done with my little sister? I can't lose her

Dec. 18th, 2013



Blog post entry [Open to everyone]

Cut for picture and massive wall of text )

Dec. 9th, 2013



[No Subject]

I have to say that this place has some amazing Chips. But I think I'm coming down with something, not sure what. Better take it a bit easy...but who am I kidding right?

Nov. 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

I can't wait until the holiday season is upon us. But, this time of year makes me miss my mum...a lot actually. What I wouldn't give just to see her just one more time.

Nov. 26th, 2013



[No Subject]

Enj is finally getting some rest himself, so I'm going to post a quick update for everyone who reads this about the Combeferre situation. They've put him through all number of tests, which he's barely noticed, and have ruled out all the horrible things. It's his headaches, well one in particular, which hasn't let up yet, so they're keeping him sedated, pumping medicine into his veins and trying to keep him from throwing anything up.

They're saying that it is called Status migrainosus, and he might be like this for a few days yet. The worst is that there is not much to do other than the medications, keeping him asleep for the most part to drive it off and keeping things quiet. I do not...

Finding him the way we did, curled into a ball in the darkest corner possible, just whimpering...I knew Michel suffered a good deal from the headaches but even so, I did not realize THIS could happen to him.

They suspect a number of causes for the headaches and we're going to need to do some sort of overhaul of our lives and choices. I suppose that we were nearing a crisis point as is. Last week surely taught me that, but even so.

...I worry...

Nov. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

I would like you to meet our children.
Ultrasound picture
Either Jean and Alban, Fleur and Céleste, or Jean and Fleur depending on their genders.

I chose the names because Marius would faint every time I suggested a name.
And I didn't dare take him to the appointment for fear of him fainting again and falling and breaking some kind of machine. So he's not seen this picture yet.
So, as it were, have a look at your children my darling.

Nov. 8th, 2013



[No Subject]

OH MY GOSH THIS PLACE IS AMAZING! I think I ate too many cupcakes.


Nov. 6th, 2013


[No Subject]

This has been, in fact, one of the more awkward evening/early mornings of my life.

Nov. 3rd, 2013



[No Subject]

...This has been the weirdest afternoon of my entire fucking life.

NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Characters won't see a cut )

Nov. 1st, 2013



[No Subject]

I realize that he has been cutting back a great deal as it is, but I am going to strongly suggest that we reduce both Enjolras's caffiene and sugar intake. He is on the tables at the cafe shouting and waving a red flag about like he's some sort of maniac. Have any of us even heard him raise his voice beyond the purposes of modulation before?

Never the less, I am, quite frankly terrified. Suggestions for curtailing this are welcome.

Oct. 31st, 2013


[This was posted earlier today, before the party]


My name is HEnriti Lesgles, L'aigle, or raBosusset if you woulds rathef. I caome from Parus in 18322222.

I wasrathers more dtying when I last rememeberb being hdomes.d I had abadf woudnf in my ggutts and bleesfing...bleooding quite a lot heress

I staill HAVE the GUT wond aductally and hirting qutee a lot...

Someoned plawse come render aid?

[OOC: A translation since, yeah. He's out of it and barely conscious right now and it's a miracle he managed any of this:


My name is Henri Lesgle, L'aigle or Bossuet if you would rather. I came from Paris in 1832. I was rather more dying when I last remember being home. I had a bad wound in my gut and bleeding...bleeding quite a lot here.

I still HAVE the gut wound actually, and hurting quite a lot...

Someone please come render aid?]
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Oct. 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

A query.

Should one wish to maintain the profession they maintained in the old lifetime, what is to be done about obtaining it, particularly those which require a good deal of training. How might I, for instance, come to serve the side of law and order again?

Oct. 24th, 2013



[No Subject]

So my little Valérie is 5 weeks old and God the progress she is making. It's astounding.

She can lift her head all on her own. She can smile and by heaven it is gorgeous to see. And she can laugh. Which the doctor says is very advanced for her age.

She also makes the cutest noises. And guess who can actually sleep through the night finally. Sleep pattern!

And just look at her Cutest little thing!