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Posts Tagged: 'iomhar+vael'

Apr. 30th, 2021



Locked from Meghan and Aedan

When someone's broken your daughter's heart, but it's a GOOD thing, what DO you do about it, then? Because I won't lie, I want to strangle him on principle and hug him for being sensible. Lads, I swear.

Feb. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

I had a long affair with my brother’s wife. All parties involved knew. I don’t regret it.

Dec. 8th, 2020



Locked from Damien ((he's a little drunk))

I may be a bit of a jeanious.

ive hit on the solution to a FEW big problems all at once.

mine AND someone i hold verra dear.

in sted of risking a mariage where i have to share a multitude of his slags that he loves more than me...

Ill marry a girl who needs it for other reasons and who i care verra much about and give up the love and sex ideas and be content exactly as i am and secure as well.

Locked from Meghan:

Prince Iomhar...may I ask you're bonny lassie for her hand?

Nov. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

It's wrong to steal your daughter's school project tool and hide it somewhere outside of the house, particularly when it will make her fail the project. It's also wrong to destroy said project tool by slicing its head off, or rending it limb from limb, but Harry the robot baby is the most ANNOYING needy little fuck I have EVER dealt with. It's hard to control myself.

Real ones aren't half so hard.

...Is it Friday afternoon yet?

Oct. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

What’s the Halloween about? Is this like the Samhuinn Festival my uncle organised for “Celtic new year” that the prince appeared in last fall, but the rest of us didn’t go to? Some of my classmates mentioned taking their siblings out to get sweets from strangers, or to trick them? The costume dance makes some sense even though there’s the big homecoming one two weeks before it, sort of like All Souls’ Day, but months late, or Satinalia without the presents and feasting and chantry service.

I did, like a fool, start a Satinalia costume when school started, before Ser Noah said we might do something for it, so, even when that does fall through, I’ll have something for Halloween if I get invited to go to the dance. Aedan says it won’t matter that I’m dressed as Andraste because there’s a warrior saint in this universe. There’s even a statue of this Ser Jeanne d’Arc in Prince Sebastian’s family chapel that they use to represent Andraste when they pray. From what I’ve seen of the outside of the room, it IS lovely.

perhaps I can sneak in and see Her...<\s>

Sep. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

That horrifying moment when you wake up screaming because the nightmare you just had involving your twin brother being killed over and over again enters your subconscious. And the bad thing is that while it was a dream and Pietro is dead because of MY hand, it seemed so real that I could feel the fear and desperation. And then comes the regret that I could not save him and give him the chance at a normal life. When he died, a piece of me was ripped in half. Imagine someone taking a piece of your soul and ripping it out of you and smashing it to pieces. That is what it feels like and I live with that pain every day even though I do not say anything. I miss him so much that it tears me apart. And that nightmare is just one of many I have had since his death. Wish there was a way to turn it off. Sometimes I wonder if it should have been me to die instead of him.

To anyone who heard me screaming just now- I'm sorry if I woke you up.

May. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

JUST FYI The best solution to hangovers is always more booze. True Facts.



Craigcrook Message Board (probably handwritten, on a post it)

Right, who is this beaming, giddy, happy lassie texting updates on the birthing situation, and what's she done with my daughter? I've only seen her like this when she's with the bloody bird before.

...Can we KEEP her? Like, are there modern midwife courses you don't have to have official graduations for?

May. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

My kid would have been 7 last month. fuck

Jan. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]


And here I was thinking I would actually die.

Jan. 29th, 2020



Locked from Jacob

Breaking things off with someone who was clear and steady and REAL...
I’ve done more than a few fair stupid things in my day, my life’s work at home was based on being the man who took the stupid, calculated, but still stupid, risks, but letting him go without a fight, pushing him away without even a word, other than telling him I was doing it, without so much as a by his leave, just because the woman I had always loved, and couldn’t have at home, turned up for the holiday...that one’s by far the stupidest.

About as stupid as letting my brother marry her to start with. I don’t suppose it’s worth seeing if he’d like to try again, now she’s not here.

Jan. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

I wanted my Meghan to be here with me, more than anything, and rest assured I've never wavered from that now she's here. But rest assured, whichever one of you it was that took her out last night and gave her drinks, she'll not be seeing YOU again.

And rest assured that when she's sobered up, beyond the requisite Baby's First Hangover, I will be having a long talk with her. In which I get your name and find out where you live to boot.

The rest of you, do let me know your thoughts on murder, violence and an appropriate punishment for my very stupid lass in comments.

Dec. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

Elliana is here.

She’s here and wants ME, not my brother. We always would have if their marriage hadn’t been arranged, and I did love my wife, and our partner, but Lily... we understood each other so differently to the others, and as everyone involved did die, and the others aren’t here, and Calum gave his blessing the moment he saw me take her hand, despite the fact her death a few years before ours near destroyed him.

He’ brother always knew. And now that we’re here, and free of royal bullshit...

And Meghan’s...fairly happy with that too. She always liked her aunt, so the idea she might be a stepmother is all right with her.

So far, so good?

Oct. 21st, 2019



Locked from Meghan, Ellie, Aedan

Parenting's SAE much harder than it used tae be at home.

And I'm not the only one to say so, mind. Jacob's said just about the same thing, so it's kind of funny we're now seeing each other when we're both not managing the parent thing so great.

It's near worse when it's the quiet kids who don't get into trouble who're struggling because they never tell you and they never let their marks go slip or anything conventional as signs. I thank my Meghan would rather die than have me know things bothered her and that's...It's unacceptable is what it is.

I don't ken WHAT I'll be doing about that but, it'll need to be SOMETHING, aye?

It's not as though I was here for so long after my death, a year or two at most, that things like being a father would've changed that much, now is it? I miss when my lass was five and clearly thought I was someone to like, who'd keep her safe, who'd nearly hung the moon.

To be met a few years later with this teenaged one who avoids all to do with me's not on MEWh, the mucking things up is it? Why she cannae make it easy, like it was just two or three years back when she was five is...

Like I said, I dinna ken. But I don't like it, I can say that much.

Oct. 7th, 2019



Locked from Meghan

...teenagers do realise when they aren’t being at all subtle, right? A hawk in the stable is pretty hard to miss. And explains the weird marks on her arms that the school assumed were...something else. They still think Meghan’s ill adjusted, even if it’s not the case, mind you, but...

Who hides something like a pet, and actively sneaking around to get a certificate that says they’re trained to keep it, though?

My kid, it seems. My obviously ill adjusted kid.

Aug. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Is it SUPPOSED to feel this awkward when you're given the reunion you've always wanted and you haven't changed, but they HAVE? Obviously, the joy hasn't worn off, but the fact I have no idea what I'm doing IS more than a little terrifying now. I left behind and lost a five year old, and a young woman returned to me as a fully formed PERSON with ideas and a personality and experiences I have no idea about.

I'm allowed to feel a little lost in what I'm doing just yet, aye?

Aug. 19th, 2019



[No Subject]

Well, then.

May. 14th, 2019



[Locked from Fryes]

The guy I'm seeing reckons on it being time I properly meet his kid, so we're going to have tea with him tomorrow after school.

Anyone got any advice for meeting teenagers who may be poised to not like you for replacing their absent mum?

May. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Today, I got a new brother. We're still in the midst of celebrations, of course, but welcome Noah, to our madness, such as it is, and congratulations to Noah AND Sebastian. it's been a LONG time coming for my baby brother and I think that I can say that Grandfather? Would have been so proud.

I miss...No, this isn't the time for THAT. Maeve and Gerard WOULD have liked him though.

It is rather nice to add to the family, isn't it, no?

Mar. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

Guess who I’ve found snogging on the local city twitter, then?

A certain Lord Provost and a future Lord Provost Consort. The former still in his chain of office no less, clearly from a busy day last week.

Really, bràthair beag, in public, no?

Marry, or burn, as the saying goes.